Monday, February 8, 2010

False Teachers Are Among Us

It is no coincidence that these verses correspond with the past few weeks in my life!!

Read Titus 1:10-16

Title in NIV: Paul instructs Titus to rebuke false teachers.

Paul describes false teachers as rebellious people, mere talkers and deceivers, detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good. He says they are part of the church, too! He says, "They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him"(vs. 16). I would hate to be described like this. This makes me evaluate how my actions are making others describe me.

When I think of a false teacher, I think of someone who teaches what is inconsistent or opposed to the word of God. For example, if someone is a gossip, that is teaching (by their actions) something opposed to the word of God in 2 Corinthians 12:20-21. If someone is opposing the elders in the church to the point that they are trying to get people 'on their side', that is opposing the word of God in Hebrews 13:17. (There are hundreds more examples. These two just came to mind). If any action is done that opposes the word of God or is inconsistent with what Jesus taught, it is false. If you are teaching those things by your actions, I believe you are a false teacher. Sadly, we have false teachers among us (2 Peter 2:1-3). Paul said we would.

We need to know how to recognize them. First, ask 'Do they/I act in a way that defames the word of God or opposes it?' Can I find a verse in the Bible that opposes the action taken? Second, we should appear blameless to all. Will the action they/I take make people think badly of others/me? We are told to build up the church in 1 Corinthians 14:12. People are known by their fruits (Matthew 7:16). If you are a smelly, rotten fruit to others, examine your motives and actions. Your motives may be Godly and worth pursuing, but your actions may cause more divisiveness than unity.

I don't believe false teachers are only grand, elaborate people teaching there is no Jesus. We recognize that. I think false teachers are among us and we need to be careful. They are also subtle, sly, deceptive and divisive. A wolf in sheep's clothing.

Lord, help me to know what your will is in my life. Help me to recognize when your will and my will oppose each other. I want to become more in-step with you. Help me to see when my actions are seen as contrary to your truth and help me to stop that behavior. I want to be a blessing to others. I want to be seen as a person with integrity (acting the same in the world as I do with my church family). Help my inner most being crave what you crave for me.

Further Study

How to discipline a sinner Matthew 18:15-17

Gossip Proverbs 11:13; 16:28; 26:20

False Prophets/Teachers Matthew 7:15; 24:4-13


Vasca said...

Very well written, Erin and oh so needed any time but particularly now. It is so important to weigh words and examine ourselves. I am accountable for my words; God knows them all.

When will all of us awaken to the harm we so easily do to others with deliberate as well as careless words.

I pray that each day I am more aware of my they won't roll off my tongue. To be like Him, as much as I possibly can.

Go to this blogsite and read the post, "Distorted Truth Isn't Truth." He is always 'right on target'.

Loree said...

Thank you Erin
This hits the nail on the head.

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