Thursday, April 24, 2014

What Do You Want To Resurrect In Your Life?

I realized there are several times during the year I re-evaluate my priorities and schedule: New Years, Easter, beginning of Summer and beginning of school. That works out to be about every three months. I tend to examine what I’m doing in life and if it is working or if my activities, passions and desires need tweaking in any way. I always come up with the same four areas I want to resurrect and make better:

1) I always decide I need to put God in the forefront of everything I do.
2) I always decide I need to sleep less, stay off social media and use my talent of writing more.
3) I always decide I need to be more organized with my clutter.
4) I always decide I need to keep my house cleaner for my family, mainly the laundry and kitchen.

I always wonder why I cannot get these things accomplished and marked off my list. Do you have these same struggles? What are your struggles?

I've decided lists don’t really work unless I’m going to the grocery store and I still tend to forget things. Trying to be Superwoman does not work. Denying my talent and desire for writing and cleaning all day does not work.

Two things that seem to work for me are: deadlines someone else imposes on me like my editor when I write an article for the NOW Magazine. Also, when I know visitors are coming to our house, I clean differently for some reason. These two seem to get me in gear. I also know that I work better in the morning so I try to do the important stuff before I run out of gas about 2:00pm. After 9:00pm, you can forget it!!

What works and does not work for you? Share your best advice.

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