Thursday, April 17, 2014

What Matters on Your Journey Through Life?

What Matters on Your Journey Through Life?

Take a few moments today to think about what matters to you as you trudge through your life's journey. I use the word 'trudge' because I firmly believe that is how most, if not all people, feel about part of their life. It is like the movie Groundhog Day: over and over and over! But, what matters to you as you live each day over and over and over? Some people may trudge through their job every day. Some women may trudge along being a mom, wife, cook, financial adviser, taxi service, laundry attendant, meal planner, medical assistant, teacher, spiritual guide etc. Some men may trudge along being bread-winner as they trudge along, hopefully, being a spiritual leader, too. You may wonder if any of this makes a difference. 

I believe what matters to you will be seen in how you treat others, how you treat yourself, what you think, what you say, what you buy, what you desire, what you do when no one is looking and how you spend your time.

Do you feel that you live your life in pursuit of what really matters or what you want? I think there is a big difference in what really matters in life and what we throw ourselves into. I think we say we focus on what really matters, but we spend our energy on what is fleeting. I hope I can make my point clear. Do you throw your energy into politics? Do you focus on beauty and feeling younger? Do you spend your time and energy planning how to get the next, better thing like a new phone or new shoes or new__________ (fill in the blank)? Is your day, week, year consumed with sports (yours and your kids) so much that you decide it is okay to put it before God?

None of these things are bad. They enhance our life in many ways. Sports teaches lesson our kids can't learn in other areas of their life (unless you are in the 'every one gets a trophy' district-that does not teach a life lesson because that is not life). Technology is not bad unless it consumes you. Politics is not bad unless it consumes you. If you yell at the TV, you might want to rethink what really matters in life. 

So, think about your life and examine if how you live reflect what matters to you. If God is the most important part of your life...are you putting God in every area of your life or trying to jam Him in where ever you can. By then, you are too exhausted and you say you will spend time with Him tomorrow when you are not so tired, but tomorrow comes...again and again...and you find yourself pushing God into tomorrow. You find yourself trying to 'catch-up' so you can be with God for just a little while. Let me let you in on a little secret, Satan will never let you catch up! He keeps us in this perpetual state of motion. If we do not intentionally get off the merry-go-round of life, we will never find time for God. 

Put God on first thing in the morning with prayer and petitions. Dedicate all your 'goings-on' to the Lord. Have a constant communication with the Lord and search His insight before every decision you make. Pray before every meal. Talk to God in the car. Tell your kids what God expects of them before a game (sportsmanship...). Tell your kids that life is tough, but God is tougher. When you trudge through all the mundane things in your day...over and over... thank God for the blessing of laundry and toilets and homework. Remember, you are doing all things to glorify God. Thank God that he provides socks you can fold for your husband. Praise God when your husband reads the kids a Bible story. Thank God you have a car that allows you to be the taxi. Put God in every aspect of your life. And tomorrow, do it again. 

If you only had tomorrow what you thanked God for today, what would you have tomorrow? (i heard that on the radio)

Let it be seen in you that you do everything for the Lord. Then get brave and tell others about why you are so blessed. Tell others about your faith. Tell others why God matters to you. Tell others you will pray for them. Tell it, tell it, tell it!

Technology, politics, beauty, having kids at home, your health and your life are fleeting. We won't get out of this world alive--that is just a fact. Don't put stock in what will pass away. Put stock in what will last forever. Believe me, when you put stock in eternity, you will have more peace than you can ever understand. You will have more peace than if your favorite presidential candidate got elected. You will have more peace than finding he best wrinkle cream. You will have more peace than finding a cure for cancer. You will have more, every lasting peace than finding the right shoe or next iphone. 

Is what matters to you and how you are living compatible or is there a gap there you can't understand? Peace is found in not one else but Christ alone. We should pursue Christ in this life because He will be the only thing on the other side. Not our phone, not our kids, not our politics, not even our favorite jewelry from our grandmother will be waiting...only Jesus.  

Blessings and have a wonderful Resurrection Day. What a good day to start living what matters the most in your life.  


Vasca said...

Well done, friend. I don't know about my time...I do know I spend so much of it at the keyboard. However? The Holy Spirit seems to guide my fingers and my thoughts...and I so appreciate it. You are guided as well. I'm challenged lately to learn little tidbits daily as to the usage of my new iPhone and a new iPad. Very good piece and appreciate your thoughts. Hugs!

Erin E. McEndree said...

Thanks Vasca. I am guided to write as I am carried along by the Holy Spirit. That said, I still struggle with writing, meals, laundry and kids stuff, too. I know I am guided to do all of that for my family and write too. Where does the time go? Love ya!

Vasca said...

I forgot to mention that one of my favorite people is Charles Krauthammer...he had a book come out late last fall "Things that Matter"...he's outstanding. He writes for the Washington Post, is a regular on Fox...
It matters what matters to each of we manage our journey! Like the new head pic on your blog...lovely!

Anonymous said...

Well said,..a good reminder not to find ourselves running on the wheel, but to make time for what is lasting. Our battle is often between the "urgent" and the "important".

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