Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Let the Word Burn in You

Luke 24:13-35

Something was bothering me so much the other day. I knew I needed to pray but I could not stop what I was doing. I was cleaning and praying and cleaning and praying. I started scrubbing the shower floor and praying. The water visibly washed the scum down the drain. My washer over flowed and I cleaned up the water and dirt and cat fuzz under the washer. I could visibly see the clean floor under the muddy mess. I took a shower and cleaned myself. I swept the floor. I was praying the whole time.

It dawned on me that when things are clean and tidy and at peace in my house, I am happy. It is the same in my life as well. At this moment I needed clean and I yearned for the situation in my life to be clean and peaceful as well. I needed tidy and I needed peace. I finally collapsed in my closet and prayed. I read Luke 24. I don't know why.

After Jesus returned from the dead, he spoke to Cleopas and another disciple. They did not recognize him as he spoke of scripture that concerned Himself from the Law of Moses, the prophets and all Scripture. After their eyes were opened to recognize him later and they said, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" (They had not received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost yet.)

Application: Even though I was praying while I cleaned, I felt most at peace when I read the Word. I decided to override my human desire to handle things on my own (that are out of my control anyway) and start putting Truth into my soul. I stopped pouring out my needs, wants, desires and fears and replaced them with life-giving words of hope. I refocused my desires to the desire of the Lord and it was full of hope and peace for me deep in my soul. What an awesome peace came over me.

The Word was burning in my heart and my eyes were opened to see something new from His active and alive Word. I was led to focus on what was most important in life--Jesus. I felt at peace. I felt clean. I felt like life was tidy. And that feeling lasted a long time.

Dear Lord, Please continue to give me that peace. When storms come, help me refocus on You quickly so peace always surrounds me.


Loree said...

Wonderful just what I needed this afternoon. Love you!

Vasca said...

Well written Erin. Sometimes it seems as if we're going to drown in problems; however He seems to settle us down...in some amazing ways! My heart has been heavy for some loved ones lately and that has picked up my prayer life which, admittedly, had been too lax. I feel stronger when that takes place...I understand your thoughts completely. I'm smiling because when I get the most upset? I get into a cleaning frenzy! You, too...love you much.

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