Friday, November 29, 2013

No Concern For His Own Life Because God Was On His Side

Since this is the last post for Acts, I’d love some comments and opinions about what book to study next. For several weeks, I’ll write some posts close to my heart. Feel free to comment. I have studied Romans, Colossians, Titus, Hebrews, James 1&2 Peter. 

I am praying for you! May you have a blessed day full of things to be thankful for. What are you thankful for? Let me know. 

Read Acts 27:1-28:31 (end)
Paul’s treacherous trip to Rome

King Agrippa sends Paul to Rome by ship. It was 2000 miles. That is like sending those accused of crimes all the way back to England from the New World by ship to be tried. (However, England is more like 3000 miles, but you get the point.) It sounds a little extreme. It makes me wonder about Felix, Festus and King Agrippa and how they did not want to take any responsibility for a sentence. Since they could not make everyone happy and keep their popularity in tack, they did nothing. Do we do that?

Interesting points:
1. Aristarchus was on the ship with Paul to Rome. He was also seized in Acts 19:29 but the other disciples would not let Paul speak in his defense for fear of Paul’s safety. Aristarchus was let go when the city clerk dismissed the crowd for fear of getting charged with rioting, but again, he is with Paul now. 
2.  A centurion named Julius showed kindness to Paul and allowed him to go to his friends in Sidon to provide for his needs. Paul must have been pretty trustworthy. Are you trustworthy?
3. During the voyage at sea to Rome, Paul describes it as difficult, wind against us, slow headway, wind did not allow us to hold our course, dangerous, disastrous, bring great loss to ship and cargo and lives, hurricane force winds, violent battering, throw cargo overboard, throw tackle overboard, gave them hope, no food, run aground, let lifeboat fall away, threw grain into the sea, cut loose the anchors, struck sandbar and broke into pieces, swam on planks of wood to shore. WOW! Can you praise God in ALL your circumstances?
4. Paul is bitten by a snake but has no ill effects.
5. Paul said “An angel of God…told me God has graciously given me the lives of all who sail with me.” Who has God given to you to protect and encourage?
6. Paul, a prisoner, encourages the 276 men to have courage and says it will happen just as God has said. Do you encourage ALL, not worrying about their status, higher or lower than you?
7. Paul, a prisoner, gave advice.

8. Paul was allowed to live by himself with a guard n Rome. The leaders of the Jews were curious about what Paul was saying. There was no letter or charges against him. Paul spoke to the leaders of the Jews from morning till evening. He declared and explained the kingdom of God. He tried to convince them about Jesus from the law of Moses and from the prophets. He reasoned with them. He rebuked them. Some were convinced and some disagreed. He gave hope. For 2 years, Paul stayed there in is own rented house and preached boldly without hindrance for two years.

Paul kept speaking about Jesus in all situations and had no concern for his own life. He obeyed and did not shy away from any situation. He used all things to glorify God. What a great example we should follow.
What hinders us from going all our for God and speaking of Jesus to ALL?

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