Thursday, November 21, 2013

What Are Your Hang-Ups?

Read Acts 25:23-26:32
Title in NIV: Paul appears before Agrippa and gives his testimony.

King Agrippa came to Caesarea with pomp. Festus told Agrippa that he could find nothing Paul did that deserves death. He said that Paul had appealed to the Emperor and so he was sending him to Rome but he has nothing to write about Paul. He urges Agrippa to investigate Paul to help him write charges against him. At this point, Festus has no charges and is basically trying to create something so he does not look unreasonable when he sends Paul to Rome.

Paul tells Agrippa that he knows he is acquainted with the Jewish customs and controversies so he is fortunate to be able to speak. Paul starts off telling Agrippa that since he was small, he lived like a Pharisee. However, now it is his hope in what God has promised that he is on trial. "This is the promise our twelve tribes are hoping to see fulfilled as they earnestly serve God day and night." Paul says that it is because of this hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ that the Jews are accusing him now. Paul asks, "Why should any of you consider it incredible that God raises the dead?"

Paul explains that he too used to have a passion against the Christians but on a journey to Damascus, Jesus spoke to him and sanctified him through faith in Him. Paul explains that Jesus told him to be a witness for Him and a servant. Jesus said, "I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, from Satan to God so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me."

Paul said he listened to the voice of Jesus and did what he said and that is why the Jews want him killed. He said he preached on what Moses and the prophets said would happen: "That the Christ would suffer and as the first to raise from the dead, would proclaim light to his own people and to the Gentiles."

BING, BING, BING!!! That is always the magic word: Gentiles. Have you noticed that in the last several chapters? (22:21) Paul is allowed to speak of his life, his conversion, his mission, but when he says "to the Gentiles," an uproar starts.  Agrippa tells Paul he is out of his mind. Agrippa and the Jews cannot wrap their mind around the fact that Jesus came to give Salvation to the Gentiles, too.

What can you not wrap your mind around? The homeless guy under the overpass is a child of God and needs to know the love of Jesus from Christians, too. The prostitute needs to know how she is a precious jewel to the Lord and needs love, too. The person who won't forgive needs to be forgiven. All the poor are just mooching from the system...but they are children of God, too, who need love from Christians. What are your hang-ups?

Agrippa scoffs and says that Paul can't convert him to be a Christian in such a short time. Paul says that he hopes all who are listening become followers of Christ.

Agrippa says, "This man could have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar." So, Agrippa sends Paul to Rome. And that is what the Lord said would happen in Acts 23:11, "Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome." So they sent him to Rome with no charges!

How can you hear more clearly what the Lord has for you to do today? How can you follow the Lord's will for your life and not your own? What hang-ups can you release from your character today?

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