Monday, November 18, 2013

Law= No Faith Needed

These are odd days lately for my posts. Life gets pretty hectic around this time of November. Both kids are in play-off games, my niece is having a baby (as I type!), my husband's uncle had an accident and is in the hospital 6 hours away, I am interviewing clients and writing stories and the parties! I will try to get back on the Thursday schedule. I am revved-up to get this post done right now because I read a chapter in a book I am reading (The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer) about how special I am. I am uniquely. My writing is unique.She writes, "Some readers will only hear, understand, and accept certain things when they read it in your words, from your perspective, written in your voice." I think I will tack that to my cork board above my computer. So, put your talent in that sentence! What are you uniquely made for by God? Are you doing it? Are you shunning it? I'd love to hear your comments.

Read Acts 25:1-22
Title in NIV: Paul appears before Festus.

Remember Felix never passed sentence on Paul...for two years. When Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus, the chief priest and Jewish leaders presented their charges against Paul...again. They urged Festus to transport Paul to Jerusalem because they planned yet again to ambush him. I also wonder if any of those 40 men kept their pledge to the point of death to not eat until Paul was killed.

Festus went to Caesarea and heard charges that they could not prove. Paul simply replies, "I have done nothing wrong..."

Festus, wishing to do the Jews a favor, asked Paul if he was willing to come to Jerusalem to be charged. Remember, they wanted to ambush him. Paul basically replied, "I'm here now. I haven't done anything wrong and you know it. If I am found guilty, I do not refuse to die, but I am not and no one has the right to hand me over to them. I appeal to Caesar."

 Festus now had a way out. He said, "You have appealed to Caesar, to Caesar you will go."

Festus discussed Paul's case with King Agrippa. I thought it was interesting that Festus told King Agrippa that he could not investigate their claims against Paul because it was about some man named Jesus that Paul said had risen from the dead. He does not factor in FAITH at all!  That is what is wrong with the law: NO FAITH NEEDED.

Agrippa was intrigued and wanted to hear Paul himself.

We need to have a healthy mix of faith and obedience to the law. We can't have only one aspect of either.

Next week, Paul appeals to King Agrippa!

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