Friday, July 5, 2013

Make A Difference

Read Acts 16:19-40
Title in NIV: Conversion of the Philippian jailer.

Last week Paul healed a girl from a demon. She was a money-maker for her owner who got very angry and brought Paul and Silas before the authorities. Have you ever noticed that before anything is settled, people accused are beaten? Again, I think this is a case where the authorities went with the popular opinion. It was advantageous for them to side with the people. The authorities seem to always side with what gives their political career a boost...not much has changed!

In any situation, you can make a difference. Paul and Silas sang and prayed to God in prison. Others were listening to them. Suddenly, a violent earthquake shook the prison. The doors opened and the chains fell away. The jailer was about to kill himself  thinking the prisoners go away. Can you imagine being so scared, even scared of something out of your control, that you would rather kill yourself rather than tell the truth and explain? Paul stopped him and let him know that no one had escaped.

It must have been some incident!! The jailer asked Paul how to be saved. Paul said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household." Paul spoke to him and to all the others in his house.

The jailer must have really understood and turned his life to God in a radical way that day. He started tending to the prisoners and washed their wounds. He and his household were also baptized. The also brought them into his house and fed them.  He was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God.  (that was in the dark)

In the daylight, the magistrates sent word for them to be released. But Paul said, "They beat us publicly without a trial... and now want us to go away quietly? No, let them come here and escort us out." The magistrate was alarmed when they learned they were Roman citizens (of course, because they did not want to upset the constituents who support them) and came to appease them and escort them out.

Paul and Silas went back to Lydia's house. You would think that the people at Lydia's house would be encouraging them and tending to them, but Paul and Silas, the prisoners and ones severely beaten, were encouraging them!!

How often are we in a terrible situation and encourage others? How often are we in a terrible situation and tend to other's needs? How often are we in a terrible situation and look beyond our self to see others? Make a difference to others and look beyond yourself to tend to others...even in the midst of your terrible situation. It will make a huge difference to those watching.


Vasca said...

Paul was always bold in persecuting Christian's and he was always bold for holding up Christ after his conversion.
I think of Michael's military experiences. There are so many stories/movies concerning war and bravery...when someone unexpectedly steps up and encourages others...sets the example... there's usually a huge swelling of 'we can do this'...and hearts beat faster w/determination and encouragement.
Reading about this incident w/Paul in prison gives me cause to know 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Paul passed his fearless trust on to others...imagine his fervor for our Lord! What a spirit! The spirit within me is working 24/ it. Thanks!

Erin E. McEndree said...

Thanks for the encouragement my sweet friend! I should read that passage every day before I begin!! Love to ya!

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