Thursday, June 27, 2013

How Do You Share the Word?

Read Acts 16:16-18
Title in NIV: Driving a demon from a slave girl.

There are so many things to point out in this passage. You have heard 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease', right? Well, it seems this slave girl was being very annoying. I have a rattle in my steering wheel in my jeep and it gets so bothersome some times I just want to shake it til it stops. I just turn up the radio. Anyway, the title says 'driving out a demon'. But, if I am correct, titles and chapter breaks were added to the Bible later. The scripture says nothing about this being an evil spirit...just a spirit. Hummm! But even the demons know the truth and shutter.

Maybe Paul did not deal with her quickly because she was screaming Truth. There is a scripture that says that even though the motives were not right with a person, their action was the right thing to do and the good news was spread and brought people to Christ.

So, is it fortunetelling if you have to pay for the information and prophesying if you are giving the information for free because it is an inspired message from the Lord? Just a thought.

I wonder what the man did for money after his slave could not tell the future any longer. I wonder how he treated her after that. I wonder if he sold her or beat her. All interesting questions.

Practical: This also made me think of people I've know that are annoying while spreading the Word of God. It is great that they have the zeal, boldness and confidence, but sometimes I feel like they are hitting me over the head with wisdom and knowledge. It is awesome that they are so 'on-fire' for God, but they can be over powering. Just like the sidewalk preacher that is screaming at people. We were walking to a Ranger game one time and a man was on the sidewalk screaming truth. I believed him, but I didn't join him. I wonder if anyone went home that night and dusted off their bible because they heard what he was saying. I wonder how many people got annoyed and 'turned him off' like Paul did?

Just some short thoughts. I'd love to hear yours!

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