Friday, June 21, 2013

How Can You Follow The Spirit Today?

Today is the first day of SUMMER! I have not disappeared, although it may seem that way. It takes a while to get into the summer schedule. Kids are home. Kids are at sports camps. I have projects outside. (See sidebars for my new projects!)

Since my last post, over 500 people have viewed my blog. So, a big Thank You to all of you who take the time to scan my post or keep up with my thoughts.

Short and sweet just in time for summer!

Read Acts 16:6-15
Title in NIV: Paul's vision of a man from Macedonia. Lydia's conversion.

As stated in the last post (3 weeks ago, sorry), the Holy Spirit told Paul and Silas not to go into Asia. So, they traveled throughout Phrygia and Galatia. When they tried to enter Bithynia, the Spirit of Jesus would not allow the to, so they went to Troas. That night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia begging him to come help them. He concluded that God wanted the to preach the gospel to Macedonia. They sailed to Neapolis, then traveled to Philippi. It was a Roman colony and leading city of that district.

They went outside the city to pray and began speaking to some women who had gathered One woman was named Lydia who sold purple cloth. She was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to the message and she and the members of her household were baptized. Then they stayed at her house.

The Spirit was working in many ways: It told then where NOT to go. It told them where to go. The Spirit opened hearts. They were so in-tune, they heard the Spirit.

How can you follow the Spirit today?

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