Thursday, July 11, 2013

Why Did Paul Write 1 Thessalonians?

I've added a new item: Word of the Week (find it in the side bar. This week is integrity. Next week is attitude.)

Read Acts 17:1-15
Title in NIV: Paul and Silas's ministry continues into Thessalonica, Berea and Athens

Paul, Timothy and Silas came to Thessalonica to the Jewish synagogue which was their habit. They reasoned with them for three Sabbath days from Scripture.  He explained and proved that Christ had to suffer and be raised for the dead. A large number of God-fearing Greeks and prominent women joined Paul. Bit the Jews were jealous. They felt like Paul was dividing their loyalty.

The Jews rounded up some bad characters and formed a mob. They went to Jason's house where Paul was staying but Paul was not there so they dragged Jason out before the city the city officials. They announced, "Jason has welcomed them into his house. They are defying Caesar's decree and saying that there is another king." The crowd was thrown into turmoil. Paul and Silas went away to Berea.

The Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scripture everyday t see if what Paul said was true.  Jews believed. Jews in Thessolinica heard this and went there to stir up the crowd. Paul went to Athens but Timothy and Silas stayed.

Timothy and Silas carried on the ministry. Timothy sent word to Paul to update him about the Thessalonian Christians. The letter of 1 Thessalonians was in response to Timothy's letter.

Paul commended the Thessalonians for their diligent faith. He encouraged them to live holy lives. He thanked them for their fellowship because it gave him great joy. He encouraged steadfast faith and explained the second coming.

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