Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pray For Doors to Be Opened For the Message of Christ

Read Acts 14:8-28
Title in NIV: Crippled man is healed.
                       Paul and Barnabas are deified by the people.

Ever know someone you hold in high regard- really high regard- and they make a mistake? In your mind they have fallen off the pedestal you have them on. They have not loved up to the high standards you have made for them in your mind.

In Lystra, Paul and Barnabas healed a crippled man who had faith to be healed. The crowd put Paul and Barnabas on such a high pedestal they thought they were the Greek gods Zeus and Hermes come down in human form.

The priest of Zeus wanted to offer sacrifices to them. When Paul and Barnabas heard this, they tore their clothes, ran into the crowd and tried to reason with them. They told the crowd:
- We are only men
- We bring you good news about the living God
- Turn from these worthless things (idols)
- God made the heaven and earth and everything in them
- He allowed nations to go their own way but...
- He showed kindness, gave rain and crops, plenty of food
- He fills your heart with joy

It was still hard for Paul and Barnabas to stop the crowd from sacrificing to them. They were trying to point them to God and be be ambassadors for Christ.

Jews from Antioch and Iconium came and had the crowd stone Paul. They thought he was dead, but God was not finished with Paul yet. It is interesting how over and over there are examples of disciples going back into a dangerous situation to spread the Word of God. They are confident God will take care of them and use them for his purpose...even in death. Paul went back into the city. How often do we run away from danger?

Paul and Barnabas went to Derbe and preached the good news there. They won a large number of disciples. They kept at it. They kept keeping on! When one group or town rejected them, they moved on (and sometimes tried again in that town). They didn't quit. How often do we just quit when we are rejected?

They returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch and strengthened the disciples there and encouraged them to remain true to the faith. WE MUST GO THROUGH MANY HARDSHIPS TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD, Paul said.

They helped appoint elders and appointed them to the Lord with prayer and fasting. they went to other towns explaining to the church that God had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.

1Corinthians 16:9:  Paul realized that a great door for effective work had been opened to him
2Corinthians 2:12: The Lord had opened a door
Colossianas 4:3: Paul said, Pray for us that God may open a door for our message

A prayer for you: Dear Lord, Help open doors for us to share Your good news. Give us an extra measure of confidence to approach people. Lord, even when it looks dangerous, don't let us quench the Spirit that is leading us to act.  Help prepare us when the flood comes. Give us strength when we feel overwhelmed. Open our hearts and minds to realize it is not about us, but it is about sharing you and all your qualities with others.

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