Thursday, April 25, 2013

Trials Are Blessings in Disguise

Read Acts 14:1-7
Title in NIV: Paul and Barnabas minister in Iconium, Lystra and Derby.

We see boldness again. No doubt given by the Holy Spirit. It was Paul and Barnabas' 'job' you might say to journey from place to place ministering to the people. What if our job was to go into the streets and crowds and preach Jesus? How can we do that? Become a Bible teacher in church (kids or adults)? Become a public speaker? Write books? Write songs?

They were so effective the Jews and Gentiles believed. However, the Jews that refused to believe stirred up Gentiles and poisoned their minds. Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there speaking boldly. Get ready! People will oppose you. Maybe even Christians. But take a lesson from Paul and Barnabas...they did not run away. They stayed and preached until it looked like they would be killed. They were doing miracles through the Holy Spirit but the people were divided anyway. (We can't understand that. We think 'how could they not believe if they saw miracles?' But, we also see miracles all the time and dismiss them.) Paul and Barnabas fled and continued to preach.

It is interesting to me that the Jewish leaders had so many prophesies that pointed to Christ and when they were being fulfilled, they were blinded and could not see them. I think of Mark 4:12, "they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!" I don't thing Jesus was what they expected, so they rejected him.

Do we reject things because they are not what we expect or want? Do we reject death, loss, cancer, illness, explosions, abandonment, car wrecks, additions, divorce, floods, fires, molestation, abuse, offense from a friend or family member, birth defects, Alzheimer's etc. when these precise situations should lead us closer to God. Of course we don't want them to happen, but what do we do when they do? Are you rejecting a gentle wake up call...or a loud one? Are you asking why instead of standing firm in the promises of God? God promises healing and restoration and reconciliation from our trials. He never promises trials will not occur. Are we like the Jews in that we reject what is supposed to bring us closer to God?

I have seen a family identify the good in a year-long struggle with a back surgery. I have seen a family stand firm in the ups and downs while their 10 month old had to go through chemo and the removal of a tumor. I heard a man say that his son was diagnosed with autism and "that is exactly how my son is supposed to be. He is perfect and we will help him be the best he can be." These are beautiful examples of seeing the good in trials and becoming closer to God for his comfort.

Challenge: Praise God in the trials and ask God what he is trying to show you through them. Probably more reliance on Him, would be my guess. We all need that. We all need to be reminded of that. We all need to practice that. Trials may be blessings in disguise to help us become closer to God.

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