Thursday, May 16, 2013

Update and YOKE Part 1

Hello All! Since I last posted, my email was hacked and all my contacts, sent, drafts, folders and inbox messages were deleted...several times. It was all very frustrating. I do however have some funny stories from the whole ordeal. When it was all over, a sweet man gave me a free cinnamon roll from Scholtsky's. I almost started to cry. So now, I am starting all over, literally. My new email is And if you are wondering what that means, Erin E. McEndree Fully Relies On God. I have to credit one of my kid's teachers for having F.R.O.G. stuff all over her classroom.

So, I'm back. Satan may have tried to stop and derail my blog, but to no avail!! If this touches just one or helps someone or just makes you think, it will be worth it. I have had about 300 hits since last time I posted. I bet people were wondering where I was. (Thanks to all you faithful readers, known and unknown.)

As promised:
Read Acts 15
Title in NIV: Dispute over circumcision of believers and meeting of the Jewish council.

Men from Antioch and Judea were teaching the brothers that, according to the custom of Moses, they must be circumcised to be saved. Paul and Barnabas got council from the apostles and elders in Jerusalem.

Believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees in Jerusalem said Gentiles must be circumcised and required to obey the law of Moses.

The apostles and elders met to consider the question. This is what they said:
1) God made a choice that Gentiles might hear the gospel and believe.
2) God knows the heart.
3) God showed he accepted Gentiles giving them the Holy Spirit just as he did the Jews.
4) God made no distinction between us and them.
5) God purified their hearts by faith.
6) Therefore, why do you try to put a yoke on the disciples?
7) Now, we believe it is through grace that we are saved, just as they are.

James spoke and used scripture from Amos that described how God took a remnant of Gentiles for himself and rebuilt and restored them. James said, "We should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to make them follow our customs."

James did say:
1) encourage them not to eat food offered to those false gods
2) not to engage in sexual immorality
3) abstain form the meat of a strangled animal and from blood.

A letter saying these things and encouraging the Gentiles was sent to the believers in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia.

My question to you is...What are some modern day or cultural yokes we knowingly or unknowingly place on people or place on ourselves? (Rules at church? Rules in our own home? Things we bind to our self and want others to follow to them, too?) I would love to hear your thoughts:  or comment on this blog.

YOKE- something that binds, unites or connects;  join together or link, to enslave or pair together

I have already received some interesting replies. Thanks. Part 2 will examine yokes.

1 comment:

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Gгeat pоst.

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