Saturday, April 6, 2013

Guardian Angels Protect God's Name

Sorry I'm late. Sometimes my paying writing job takes precedence.

Read Acts 12:5
Title in NIV: An angel rescues Peter from prison.

After Peter was put in prison by Herod, he was being guarded by 16 soldiers. The church was earnestly praying for him. Peter was sleeping between two soldiers with chains on. Sentries were at the door.

An angel came and woke up Peter and told him to get up. The chains fell off. The angel told him to get dressed, put on a cloak and follow him. Peter thought he was dreaming. They passed the soldiers and never got detected. The gate opened by itself for them. When Peter was a safe distance away, the angel left him.

Peter said, "Now I know with out a doubt that the Lord sent this angel to rescue me..." Do you realize the times when your guardian angel has stepped in and rescued you? I can think of several in my life. (I would love to hear a story from you.)

Peter went to Mary's house (John/Mark's mother). A crowd of people were praying for Peter. When the servant girl, Rhoda, told them Peter was at the door, they thought she was out of her mind. When I hear something extra ordinary, I know I tend to lean toward doubt. My faith is weak. We should all try to  have more faith and believe the unbelievable instead of roll our eyes.

I love talking with people who talk about God. Some people acknowledge Him as their strength and the giver of blessings in their life and they share that every chance they get. I wish I shared what God does for me more often in conversation with others. Peter did and the word of God continued to increase and spread; Herod did not.

Peter was blessed. Herod was not. Verse 23 says, "Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died."

Guardian angels helped spread the word of God by getting Peter out of jail and the angel protected God's name by eliminating Herod who was nullifying God.

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