Friday, April 12, 2013

Intervention. When Is It Time?

Read Acts 13:1-12
Title in NIV: The Holy Spirit calls Saul and Barnabas and they proclaim the Word of God on Cyprus.

Keeping in step with the Spirit is the focus of this blog. Every situations in life can be analyzed and adapted as a learning situation to strengthen your relationship with God and grow your faith.  Analyze your circumstance using God's Word and apply it to your heart for growth of Spirit and future tools to help others fix their predicaments.

Saul and Barnabas listened to the Holy Spirit direct them to Cyprus.  They proclaimed the Word of God in the Jewish synagogues in Salamis and Paphos. In Paphos, they met s Jewish sorcerer and false prophet named Bar-Jesus.  Bar-Jesus attended Sergius Paulus, a procounsul. Sergius wanted to hear the word of God. Bar-Jesus tried to trun Sergius from the faith. But Paul (FINALLY Saul is called Paul first here) filled with the Holy Spirit looked straight at Bar-Jesus and said,
"You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord? Now the hand of God is upon you and you will be blind and for a time you will not be able to see the sun." It was as Paul said. Sergius believed all the more because he saw the power of God.

After reading this, a question resurfaced in my mind. When do you intervene in a situation that appears to be taking people's  (family, church members, strangers) focus off God? When is it time to gently say, "Your actions are screaming that you do not respect God or others." Paul did it immediately and swiftly.

For example, at church one Sunday my family sat behind some strangers. They were early 20's. They laughed during every part of the service. They rolled their eyes when too many verses were sung. They sighed. They elbowed each other and pointed at stuff. They did not bow or act reverent in prayer or communion. When do you intervene? Do you intervene or do you just pray for them?

For example, when you see someone throw all their fast food wrappers out their window and then they pull into the same store you do, do you intervene? Do you just pray for them? (I've always wanted to pick it up and say Oh, here. You just dropped this, But I have not had the courage.)

There are thousands of example. When do you intervene when you see people that are spiritually dead and their actions show it? Paul did it immediately and swiftly.

What are your thoughts? I'd love to know! (Next week, I'll give you mine.)

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