Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Knock is Better Than a SWAT

Read Acts 9:3-19
Title in NIV: Saul is converted on the road to Damascus.

As Saul neared Damascus, a light flashed around him. He fell on the ground and Jesus' booming voice asked him, "WHY DO YOU PERSECUTE ME? GET UP AND YOU WILL BE TOLD WHAT TO DO." The men with Saul were speechless. They heard the sound, but did not see anyone. Saul could not see. He had to depend on others to lead him. For three days he was blind and did not eat or drink anything.

WOW! God really did get his attention. I understand this light to be the light of Jesus. Jesus is the light (John 8:12). It is so pure and bright, it blinded Saul. I have not seen a great light, but once I asked God to lead me and He showed me 6 times in different ways the same answer. (maybe that was because I was unsure the first 5).  God may not use a great light or a burning bush in your life, but He does answer.

He may use other people in your life to show you His way. Just like he used Ananias to restore Saul's sight, he can use a friend of yours or even a stranger to redirect your thinking.

Ananias initially questioned God because of the rumors he had heard, but God said GO!. Basically, God told Ananias that he could use anyone he wanted.

We should not let some one's reputation deter us from helping them. We might be, being Jesus to them.

Ananias went and when Saul was healed and could see, the Holy Spirit filled him. He got up and was baptized and ate. (FYI Saul does not turn to Paul until chapter 13)

My challenge to you: Listen and act upon what God is telling you even if it is uncomfortable. Don't make God use drastic measures to get your attention. Open the door for a knock and don't wait for the SWAT team to arrive. There are opportunities all around every day! God can use even the lowest do bring the best message!!

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