Thursday, January 24, 2013

Be in the Way; Show Others the Way

Hello All!! It is pretty sad when that I had to type in my password four times before I got it correct. But just to let you know I am not totally loafing, I have four blogs written in my Bible that I just have not made time to type. So, bear with me. I am trying to get more organized this year. I bought tons of storage containers and made a calendar to plan meals on. (And I'm very proud of that calendar. It took a lot of time and effort) I'm hoping to paste a picture of it. That is another thing I want to get better at is technology. We are finally getting our kids tablets to play games, listen songs, and watch movies. I really will need help downloading all that stuff. Anyway, I have several things I am working on this year. What do you need to work on?

Read Acts 9:1-2
Title in NIV: Saul is converted on the road to Damascus.

I started reading chapter 9 and I laughed out loud. Growing up my husband and his friends would change the words to hymns to make them funny while they sang. They made up a song that reminded me of verse two. "I'm in the way. I'm always in the way. I'm in every bodies way." Saul wanted to find people in the Way and persecute them and take to prison. I laughed because, ironically, the words my husband and his friends made up are true, too. We are in the Way if we follow Jesus and I hope we are always in the Way as we strive to serve Him every day.

*In Acts 19:9 Paul (Saul) said that if people refused to believe in the Way, he left.

*In Acts 19:27 a silversmith denounces the Way and says the goddess Artemis will be discredited and robbed of her divine majesty if people believe.

*Paul admitted he followed the Way which they called a sect.

*Felix was acquainted with the Way and gave Paul some freedom in prison and permitted his friends to take care of his needs.

Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the truth, the way and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me." Be in the Way. Let there be no doubt to others who you believe. A good indication is the WAY you treat others.

QUESTION? In verse 2 and 25, Saul mentions letters he acquired to the synagogue in Damascus that would help him arrest people. Can anyone tell me more about these letters?

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