Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blog 3rd Anniversary/God Will Take Care of You

I just realized I missed my blog anniversary. I started my blog three years ago on January 21st. I have 143 posts, 18 followers (but many more readers), 5067 page views and 88 comments. I love being in the Word and I am led to share my thoughts. My passion is to help people apply the Word to their life. I try to do that with every blog post. I don't know how God uses my blog, but that is okay. What are you doing with the gifts God gave you?

Read Acts 9:19-31
Title in NIV: Saul is baptized.

The scales have just dropped from Saul's eyes. He spent several days with the disciples in Damascus. At once he began to preach in the synagogue that Jesus was the Son of God. Immediately he started spreading the good news.

Immediately! I thought about that word. I wondered what excuses I make for not spreading the Word: fear of how I will be perceived? Am I waiting for a great light...a burning bush...blind for 3 days? People were skeptical of Saul because of his past persecutions but he proved over and over that Jesus was the Christ. Anyone who speaks for Jesus was conspired against in the Bible! Is that why I don't speak up?

Saul learned their plan...God took care of him. He will take care of us too. He tried to join more disciples but his reputation followed him (and ours does too), but God took care of him again and sent Barnabas to vouch for him. Then he spoke freely and boldly. Jews tried to kill him again, but God took care of him.

The church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened and encouraged by the Holy Spirit and it grew in numbers. They lived in the fear of the Lord.

Challenge: Speak of Jesus to all you meet! God will take care of you.

Next week: Are you a quitter or conqueror?

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