Thursday, September 20, 2012

Be On Guard For Satan's Schemes

Read Acts 5:1-11
Title in NIV: Ananias and Sapphira are judged for lying.

Ananias and Sapphira also wanted to lay some money at the apostles feet for those in need. However, they forgot that the Lord knows all things. Proverbs 17:3 and 1 Thes 2:4 says the Lord tests the heart. Ananias and Sapphira tested the Lord. The text says several things we should be very careful of. First, we should be on guard and not allow Satan to fill our hearts. It is so subtle and like the song says, "It's a slow fade" to the dark side. Satan IS the father of lies and in this case, they were doing what Satan does best...lie.

It is easy to think a little white lie is ok. And, in the short-run, it may never see the light of day. But, in the long, eternal-run, it will be brought into the light. Why do we think that if we have gotten away with a lie, that we have gotten away with it? I know. We do not think in the heavenly realm. We think in the worldly realm.

Also, Satan is contagious if we are not on guard. Sapphira "in full knowledge" and "together with her husband" lied to the apostles. Be careful who you hang with. This is a good rule for teens, young adults and just about anyone.

I think of these two people like the blind man. These things happened to show the power of God and his glory.

Question: Do you think we see God's glory just as well during good situations or better in the worst situations?

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