Thursday, September 27, 2012

Questions to Ponder About Your Character

Read Acts 5:12-32
Title in NIV: The apostles do remarkable miracles.

The apostles did many miraculous signs and wonders among the people. They were highly regarded by the people. They brought the sick, and those tormented by evil spirits so at least Peter's shadow might fall on them and heal them. And all of them were healed. The people had great faith.

Then the high priest and all his associates were filled with jealousy. They arrested the apostles and put them in jail. During the night an angel opened the door of the jail and brought them out. The angel said, "Go, stand in the temple courts and tell the people the full message of this new life."

The Sanhedrin (the high priest, his associates, and elders of Israel) were shocked and had the apostles brought before them. The apostles came willingly. The asked why they were still teaching when they had been told not to teach. The apostles said, "We must obey God rather than men." God raised Jesus from the dead because you had him crucified. God exalted him to be Prince and Savior so that he may give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel.

1. The Sadducees were blind to there own fore father's teachings about the Messiah.
2. They were jealous when the apostles were 'more popular' than they were.
3. They were people pleasers.
4. The officers were fence-riders so they would not make the people mad and be stoned themselves.

It is interesting to me that the Sadducees were condemning good things. Healing is good! Repentance is good! Forgiveness of sins is good! Their hearts were very hard. Example: A lady in our class told this story: She knew a lady who had to take breathing treatments and she came over to help. She said she would bring goodies or deserts and try to be upbeat. She said the lady was never happy and always said no...even when she needed to use the restroom. What a hard heart.

Questions to ponder about your characrer: Are there situations in your life or people in your life or parts of God's word you have hardened your heart to for some reason? Are there things you are blind to? Ask God to reveal them to you. Are you jealous of other's success? Are you a 'people pleaser"?  Are you a negative ninny? All good questions to think about.

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