Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Good Example to Follow

Read Acts 2:37-47
Title in NIV: Baptism of 3,000 believers.

This is a good example of Christians in the early church. (I like lists)
1) They were devoted to teaching
2) They were devoted to fellowship
3) They were devoted to breaking bread
4) They were devoted to prayer
5) All believers were together
6) They had everything in common
7) They sold their possessions and goods and gave to anyone who had need
8) They met together everyday
9) They ate together with glad and sincere hearts
10) They praised God
11) Enjoyed favor of all people
12) Lord added to their number daily

What are you devoted to?? Olympics?? “Gotta watch it, gotta watch it.” Do you ever say, “Gotta read the Bible, gotta read the Bible”? Do you love coffee, tv shows, Fox News? Some how we have made the remote control and email spontaneous. What do you do with out even thinking about it? Bible Study is not usually something I do automatically. I have to be intentional. I have to plan it. It is never spontaneous. Like I said in a previous post, the easy way is usually wrong. The hard way is the test. How do you score?

We do however, do a great job at fellowship…on Sunday and Wednesday. How about the other five days a week? Do you make time to spend with your church family? Do you call your neighbors and have a cup of coffee? I need to do it more often (right Sherry?)

The early church is a good example to follow. It is a great guide we should emulate.
Challenge: Let’s be intentional: Make a list for yourself of how you can follow the early Christians.

Excuse me... I need to go make a list.


Vasca said...

Very good...and I never make lists. Michael does but then, he's neat and organized. I'm none of the above.

Spontaneity is good for 'fellowshipping'; being open 24/7 presents us w/lots of opportunities. What do I need to do? Make room for reaching out and touching...good thing!

Margo Dill said...

I also like lists and this is a good one. It is easy to follow a list and help us to work these important values into everyday life.

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