Thursday, August 9, 2012

This Can Happen To You...Part 1

Read Acts 3:1-10
Title in NIV: Peter heals a man crippled from birth.

I challenge you to make such a change in your life that people wonder about you, are amazed, and see Jesus in your life. (Real life example below.)

Peter and John went to the temple to pray at 3:00. People carried a man to the gate called Beautiful who had been crippled since birth. He would beg from those going into the temple. He asked Peter and John for money. They looked at him and Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." Instantly, the man's feet and ankles became strong, he jumped to his feet and walked. He went into the temple courts with them walking, jumping and praising God. The people recognized him and were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened.

Make this happen to you! I heard a lady tell this story last week. She admitted talking a lot. Not only that, she admitted, when around certain other women, she would gossip and talk about others. She was really honest with the group. She explained how she could spew hate from her mouth and cut people to the quick. She described herself, in those moments, as having no mercy. (I personally think she describes 100% of us...even those who try so hard to watch their tongues fail.) Then she said she began to memorize the book of James. It was a challenge from a bible study.

She quoted several verses from James. 1:19 "Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak..."; 1:26 "If anyone among you does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this mans religion is useless."

These verses impacted her life so much that when she was around a group of women, THEY took notice. She said the verses she memorized were swirling around in her head (and heart) and she did not have the desire to join in the conversation. She said the women recognized something was different.

Her healing may not have been as dramatic as the man who walked, but it is no less important! You can make miracles happen too!! Dramatically change your life for Jesus. Heed his Word in your life. When it penetrates your heart and your life shows that on the outside, people will be astonished and be amazed. Give glory to God!

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