Monday, April 18, 2016

The Life-Giving Blood

I learned last week that Passover has not happened yet in the Orthodox calendar. For Jews, Passover week is April 22nd through April 30th. In the Western calendar, where we reside, we do not align Easter when Jews celebrate Passover. The reason is complicated and not the point of this blog. You can research why we do not celebrate Passover the same time as the Jews if you wish.

The lesson I experienced on Sunday was an excellent lesson leading up to Passover. It depicted Jesus’ death in vivid color and scripture that made Jesus’ suffering for us very real. The blood was spoken of and seen and it reminded us of what Jesus gave up for us…His very life blood.

In Leviticus 17:11, The Lord said to Moses, “For the life of the creature is in the blood…” The blood of the creature became sacred. Atonement for sins involves substituting a life for a life. For Christians, that means Jesus substituted his life, his blood, for my life and my blood. Satan was out to get our life (death by sin) but Jesus gave his blood instead of ours so we would appear before God white as snow. Jesus took his blood to the heavenly temple, once for all, and satisfied the wrath of God. 

As I looked upon Jesus hanging on the cross, beaten, bruised and bloody, I thought of where the blood flowed from his body: His head, His mouth, His hands, His back and shoulders, His side and his feet. Jesus’ life-giving blood flowed from all these places.

1.The life-giving blood that flowed from his head represents living knowledge. 1 Timothy 2:4 says, “God wants all people to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Knowledge is life. We must give life to others who have no knowledge of the sacrifice Jesus had for them.

2.The life-giving blood that flowed from his mouth represents the very words of God. In John 6:68, Peter says, “You [Jesus] have the words of eternal life.” Words are life. We must share the words of the Lord to those who will perish without them.

3.The life-giving blood that flowed from his hands represents support. Psalm 63:8 says, “Your right hand upholds me.” His hand is life. It supports us. Without it we would fall. We must support others, also, in their time of weakness.

4.The life-giving blood that flowed from his back and shoulders represents surrender to Him. Luke 15:5 says, “And when he [Jesus] finds it [sheep], he joyfully puts it on his shoulder.” We are the sheep and the Good Shepherd will carry us if we only surrender to him. 

5.The life-giving blood that flowed from his side represents strength from the Lord. 2 Timothy 4:17 says, “But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength…” To be by Jesus’ side is life from the Lord.

6.The life-giving blood that flowed from his feet represents the light for me to see where I am going. Psalm 119:105 says, “The Word is a lamp unto my feet.” Jesus is the Word. If we walk in the dark, we stumble and fall. 

The knowledge(1) of the Word of God(2) supports(3) what we surrender(4) in strength from the Lord(5) and shines light(6) in a dark world. 


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