Friday, February 19, 2016


Trashy Mama Blog
Steeped In Purpose

For years, I have been nudged to pick up trash. I pick up trash in the ditch going back and forth to drop off my kids. I pick up trash in parking lots. I pick up trash around the church I attend. My husband thinks its strange. My kids say, “Not again, Mama. We’ll be late for school.” I think it has become a game with the litter bugs on my road. They see how long it takes the blue beer boxes to disappear from the side of the road. 

I decided that it doesn’t matter what the Lord is asking you to do…even if it is picking up trash. I haven’t always been faithful to pick up trash. Once two bags of party trash fell out of the church dumpster by my kid's school and for 4 days I asked for it to be gone by the next morning. God saved it for me. I had an excuse every time, too. “I forgot a trash bag from home.” On the last day I decided to pick it up, I forgot a trash bag. I truly believe that God ‘helped’ my son forget something at home I had to go get…and I got a trash bag. 

Matthew 25:21 says, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness.”

I have also been faithful writing this blog. This is starting my sixth years. I have been pretty consistent to post every Thursday the first 5 1/2 years. It hasn’t grown. I haven’t had a new follower in years. But, I do not believe growth and visibility is the ultimate goal. I think my faithfulness is the goal and my growth and knowledge. I believe God was waiting to see what I would do so He could bless me with more later. 
The trash is a symbol of my surrender to God’s purpose for my life. What is God nudging you to do? Has He been nudging you for months or years? Have you ever thought that it is a stepping stone to get you farther down the trail to increasing your faith and productivity in God’s kingdom. 

I’d love to hear your story of surrender. 

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