Thursday, June 11, 2015

"Who Are You Working For? CIA, FBI or NSA

(soon and very soon...look for a new and improved blog and FB author page)

Let it be so evident that you are working with someone that people want to know who it is. Just like in many espionage movies, when someone gets captured, they ask, “Who are you working for?” Be able to answer: “CIA: Christian’s In Action”, “FBI: Faith Building Integrity”, or “NSA: Necessary Savior Advocate”. (just some play-on-words, but you get the point)

Synergy: I have heard this word twice today. It means an increase in effectiveness that results when two or more people work together. Just like the intelligence agents do not work independently, they take orders from a higher source, we also need to work with the greatest Source to be effective.  

What powerful and effective results or goals can you imagine accomplished when you and God work together? I can think of some pretty lofty results coming forth from my writing and speaking goals. I can think of some grand expectations as a result of my writings about the Word. 

He is always willing to make our results come to fruition, but it is me who begins to doubt and shrink back from exposure and audience participation (comments)! It is I who stops working with Him. 

How can we stay on the journey with Him without taking the many forks in the road that look so enticing? How can we stay on the path without jumping off into what looks like greener pastures, but is actually the ditch?

  1. Make a goal. You will never have the desire to go toward nothing. You need something to strive for. Make it tangible. By that I mean, make it something you can measure or count to gage your progress. Example: Read Bible every day. Think a nice thought about people I would usually judge. Talk to people I would usually judge. Pick up trash when you are in town. Take a class about something you are interested in. Finish school. The possibilities of your goal are endless….only if you make something to strive for.
  2. After you goal, make a plan to achieve it. What baby steps will you  have to follow to get there? Don’t get overwhelmed by focusing on long it might take to achieve it such as finishing school or publishing a book. You cannot get bogged down thinking about the final product when you have not laid the pavers to actually get to the end.
  3. Get knowledge! Does that mean taking a class? Does that mean buying a new book? Does that mean asking someone to be your accountability partner? Do whatever it takes to achieve your goal.
  4. Pray without ceasing. Now that you are following your hearts desire, which I believe is given to you by God as your talent, you have some specific praying to do!
  5. Never, never, never give up! Never stop learning. Never stop inspiring others. Never stop wanting to share you gifts with others.

Blessings my beloved!

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