Thursday, April 2, 2015

Passover Points to Resurrection (Mosaic and New Covenant Part 6--Last one)

Passover Points to Resurrection

seder meal, Mosaic Law, Passover, Resurrection, Matzah, Trinity 
Everything points to Jesus in the Old Testament. That is what has happened since the beginning. In verse two of Genesis it said the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. God said, “Let us make man in our own image.” Genesis 1:26.  Funny, this is taught in novel writing: how to allude to something (Spirit/Us) that will be fleshed-out later. John 1:1-5 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Everything points to, refers to, and is important because of Christ. 

The Passover also points to Jesus and the sacrifice and salvation he secured for us. In my study, I found articles about the exact opposite! I was so sad for the veil on those eyes and hearts. In my study, I sadly found this statement from a practicing Jew, “[Passover] has absolutely nothing to do with any form of Christian doctrine. Jesus is completely insignificant to it. Inserting Jesus into Passover, in fact, INVALIDATES it as honoring the direct commandment in Torah.” This comment, and one that mentioned all of Jesus’ teachings are invalid because he did not spend three days and three nights in the tomb, made my heart ache.

Here is a list of how Passover points to Christ. (It is no certain order.) 

Passover: nothing came back to life; no promise of a resurrection
Resurrection: enough said

Passover: required animal without physical blemish
Resurrection: Jesus was ‘lamb’ without blemish (sin)

Passover: blood symbolize sacrifice offered as substitute 
Resurrection: Jesus also gave his blood for us in the temple made without hands

Passover: Hebrews escape judgment on Egypt through mediation of a sacrifice
Resurrection: All who believe will escape the wrath of God; Jesus is the mediator between God and man.

Passover: bitter years of servitude
Resurrection: set free from bondage of sin

Passover: bread with no yeast to be eaten in haste to remember leaving quickly
Resurrection: Jesus is the bread of life

Passover: not destroy firstborn under the sign of blood
Resurrection: not destroy believer at judgment when one is under the blood of Jesus

Passover: shows Egypt is powerless to deliver themselves from destroyer
Resurrection: belief in Jesus delivers us from God’s wrath

Passover: plagues were miraculous sign of judgment 
Resurrection: resurrection was miraculous sign

Passover: remove yeast from house that represents sin
Resurrection: Jesus was bread of life; Jesus removed sin for us; he became sin

Passover: remove yeast or be cut off from Israel
Resurrection: remove sin by accepting Jesus’ blood to make you white a snow; can't do it by your own works

Passover: male without defect, no bones broken
Resurrection: Jesus was Lamb of God, no bones broken; no blemishes (sin)

Passover: choose lamb 5 days before 
Resurrection: Jesus came to Jerusalem five days before also…he came on lamb selection day

Passover: blow horn at the time lamb was sacrificed
Resurrection: Jesus said, “It is finished” when the horn was blown that evening at the same time the horn was blown for the lambs

Passover: remember separation between God and man because of sin
Resurrection: curtain torn from top to bottom; removal of separation between God and man

Passover: 50 days after Passover is anniversary of giving law to Moses so God could dwell with his people the best He could based on their making themselves clean
Resurrection: Pentecost when Holy Spirit came on disciples; God dwells in people who accept Jesus’ blood because they are accepting Jesus’ righteousness

Passover: unleavened bread brought as fruit of grain and praise to God for promise the rest of harvest
Resurrection: Jesus was planted in the ground; God provided rest of harvest-the Messiah; God fulfilled

Passover: 3 Matzahs (bread) put together; middle Matzah was broken and hidden
Resurrection: Father, Son, Holy Spirit; represent hidden in tomb and body broken; bread looks bruised and pierced that we use

Passover: Jesus said the meal represented HIMSELF at the Last Supper which is said to have been a Sedar meal
Resurrection: Jesus took third cup of wine, the cup of redemption and established a new covenant which allows those who accept the pardon to commune with him forever

I cannot fathom having all these comparisons and not seeing that they point to Jesus. Blessings to all of you. (new topic next week) What Does It Mean to Look Different as Christians?

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