Thursday, August 14, 2014

What Can We Learn from Job? Introduction: Part 2

Let’s keep in mind the concepts of Job. I will refer to them often.
1)      God listens to our prayers, our laments, our frustrations, our fears and our doubts patiently.
2)      God is more concerned about our reaction to situations than the situation itself.
3)      We must filter our situations through the Word. It never changes like man’s rules, traditions and culture.
4)      Satan does not restore anything.

Here are a few more:
Concept five: Satan’s goal is to turn people away from the Creator. Satan wants to show that people love the gifts God gives more than they love the Giver. Example: Do you only pray (or pray harder) when you want something like healing, financial security or marriage restoration? Is Satan putting a wedge between you and God? The wedge is not understanding. The bridge is faith. How long, deep, wide and firm is your bridge? Satan wants to confuse tradition (world) and spiritual (heaven) so people will turn from God because of their misunderstanding. Satan thinks if Job turns from God, others will follow.

Concept six: God never gives up on us, but we give up on God a lot. But there is a verse that says, “Resist Satan and he will flee from you,” James 4:7. Push Satan and his ways away enough and intentionally, and when Satan figures out you will not give him a foothold, his influence in your life will be greatly diminished. It happened for Job. After 37 chapters of Job not giving into his wife’s plea for him to ‘Curse God and die,’ God steps in and rescues Job and restores all he lost. He resisted the temptation to curse God, Satan had to flee and God restored him.

Concept seven: Job does not know God and Satan are battling in the heavenly realm over him. Good vs. Evil. We only know in part. We should keep that in mind. The arch angel Michael battles Satan for Moses’ body. Daniel saw that. In 2 Kings 6:17, Elisha prayed for God to open the servant’s eyes. “He looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” Elisha said, “Don’t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” It would be awesome to see glimpses of the heavenly realm now, but if God chooses not to show ME, I’ll wait. Always keep in mind things happen behind the scenes and we have angels battling for us...even if we don’t realize it.

Concept eight: Human understanding can only go so far because it stops at the barrier between the worldly realm and the spiritual realm. One of my favorite authors and speakers, who I have met several times, is Mary DeMuth. She describes Thin Places as a “place where heaven and the physical world collide, one of those serendipitous territories where eternity and the mundane meet. Thin describes the membrane between the two worlds, like a piece of vellum, where we see a holy glimpse of the eternal…” If we strive to be in tune with the Holy Spirit, we can have knowledge and understanding of the heavenly realm that never ends (although we will never know it all). We can experience thin places. Hebrews 4:12 says, “God’s Word is active and alive. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul [world] and spirit [heavenly].”

I think I could find a dozen more concepts, but that is enough introduction. Read ahead. Read Job 38:1-40:2. Blessings!

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