Thursday, August 21, 2014

Job: We Have a BIG, BIG God

Let’s keep in mind the concepts of Job. I will refer to them often.
1)   God listens to our prayers, our laments, our frustrations, our fears and our doubts patiently.
2)      God is more concerned about our reaction to situations than the situation itself.
3)      We must filter our situations through the Word. It never changes like man’s rules, traditions and culture.
4)      Satan does not restore anything.
5)      Satan’s goal is to turn people away from the creator.
6)      God never gives up on us.
7)      Job does not know God and Satan are battling in the heavenly realm over him.
8)      Human understanding can only go so far because it stops at the barrier between the worldly realm and the spiritual realm.

The Word of God is so important and our lives are more fulfilled when we filter every situation through the Word of God. I want to start with the words God said in chapters 38-42. Then I will dissect the three friend’s logic with God’s logic.   

Job discusses what it was like before he was tested in chapter 29. In chapter 30, Job describes how it is now. In chapter 31, Job recounts all the good he had done and basically asks WHY? He wants God to respond and show him his trespasses that warranted this suffering. (Even Job believes in some traditions and thinks unrighteousness = suffering.) Job does not know the conversation God had with Satan nor does he realize this situation will show God’s power of restoration when he finishes the race, does not give up hope and faith and stands firm to the end even during times of no understanding. When God finally speaks, he shows two things: 1) You are small. I am big. I am Creator. You, I created. 2) He also shows that man relies on what God created more than they think. 

This is what God says in Job 38:1-40:2 (I like lists.)
1)      Where were you when I made the earth?
2)      Who laid the cornerstone?
3)      The angels were shouting for joy. (angels here before humans were created)
4)      Who told the waves they could only go this far?
5)      Who brings the morning? Wickedness is done in the dark.
6)      The earth takes shape like clay.
7)      Do you know where the sea starts?
8)      Have the gates of death been shown to you?
9)      Can you get to the light?
10)  Do you know where the darkness lies?
11)  Where is the snow, lightning, wind and hail kept?
12)  Who brings rain and freezes it?
13)  Who can bind up stars?
14)  Do you know the laws of the heavens?
15)  Who satisfies the hunger of the lion and provides food for the raven?
16)  Do you know where animals give birth in the mountains?
17)  Do you rely on the ox's strength in your field?
18)  Who makes the ostrich not fly and the stork fly?
19)  Who did not give the ostrich good sense but made her run faster than horses?
20)  Who gave the horse its strength?
21)  Who makes the hawk take flight and build its nest on high?

God asks, “Will the one who battles with the Lord correct him?”  This ‘lecture’ from God helps Job realize that he does not know the ways of the Lord, he cannot become equal with God and he will not be able to discern all the ways of God, BUT he should strive to be righteous anyway because the Creator is more important than the things he created. And, trust in God is more important than understanding his ways and power. Job is reminded to trust, submit, acknowledge and serve God even in the midst of unseen, spiritual conflicts between good and evil he is not privy to. Job rests in the fact that God understands even if he does not.

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