Thursday, May 8, 2014

Whose Approval Do You Seek?

Recently I wrote a post about living your life based on what really matters...Truth and faith in Jesus Christ. What happens when you don't live by Truth and you don't have faith nor think you need Jesus?

Do you feel like your world crumbling? Do you feel strife with your family? Are you in a constant struggle with your husband? Do you feel the need to defend yourself all the time? When you live contradictory to what really matters, you will never have peace.

Before I go further, let me say this: What matters is Truth (with a capital T). What matters is how we will spend eternity. What matters is showing others our hope in eternity because we have faith in Christ. If you live for anything other than this, you WILL feel like you are missing something. You will feel like there is always more you need to attain. You will always feel a gap in your life that you just can't fill. There is a song that talks about our God-shaped hole that only God can fill up. You will always have a hole in your life if God is not filling the hole in your life...whether you agree or not, this truth is still Truth.

So what do you do about the hole you feel and the longing you just can't seem to ever get rid of? Start gaining knowledge of God as your personal Healer (Jehovah Rapha), your Peace (Jehovah Shalom), your Provider (Jehovah Jireh), your Righteousness (Jehovah Tsidkenu).   Start using the measure of faith God has given you (Romans 12:3). It might be small, but God will make it grow. You may have to have a family meeting and tell people you are getting back to doing what your heart has been telling you to do all along-- you have just been suppressing it. People may think you're crazy. People may think you're being influenced by the wrong things. But ask yourself: Where do I want my peace to come from? From other's approval or from living authentically based on what God has put inside you?

You may have to make major life changes. A 180 they call it. Only you know your inner struggles and if you are ready to live what really matters or to continue living in the turmoil that you're in. 


Vasca said...

Changes are sometimes extremely difficult; sometimes they seem to be 'a piece of cake'. The cakewalk is easier, sure! But not always the best. The thing of it is that when you try filling your 'hole' with God and His ways it really does change one's life for the better...way, way better. It's His approval I want and run toward.

Erin E. McEndree said...

I try to keep in mind what is eternal and what is temporary. I want what is eternal even if it seems not as much 'fun' here on earth. Thanks Vasca!

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