Friday, February 7, 2014

The Woes in Matthew (Part 3) Love is Show by what we STAND FOR not for what we STAND AGAINST

Matthew 23:15
Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.

What comes to my mind right off the bat is that missionaries tend to be very passionate about going abroad to spread the good news in other countries. Don't get me wrong! That is not a bad thing! God places all types of talents and passions on people's hearts that they follow to glorify God! I don't know what I would do if God placed it on my heart to move to another country. I might be a Jonah!

We hear updates from our pulpits about the number of people coming to Christ in Zambia and through World Bible School. I think that is awesome that people are so committed to other countries and different socioeconomic places.

However, I would love to hear statements like this from the pulpit..."There are three people visiting today from the little apartments across the street. Let's welcome them."   "There is a man here today who is visiting from the Cypress View (low income) Apartments on Atwood St.and wants to say thank you to the visits from our members who stopped by just to sit with him and play cards."   "Miss So-n-So is here from the Fox Hollow Townhomes (another low income housing) and wants to say thank you to family X who brought her and her three kids to church. She says without a ride, she could never make it."

John 4:35 says, "I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for the harvest."

I feel like we are kinda of out sourcing. We could be getting our new Christians from one street over, but we get them from China..all the way across the ocean.

I am so excited about a new ministry that is starting at our congregation. We are focusing on people who are committed to starting a new life and who are seeking a family who really cares about them as a Child of God. We are trying to fill the gap between being fed physically at the Benevolence Center and being a family with people who want to feed the emotional and spiritual person as well. We are trying to fill the gap between the people who find a community of supporters who understand individual struggles at the Hope Center and a community of supporters at Church who support spiritual growth through those struggles. We want to stand in the gap for women who find themselves at the Grace House, unsure of the future and help them understand they have an awesome future in God's family with people who love them.

This is community stuff! It is right in our backyard. We have already planned two outreach get-to-gathers! Pray for our new ministry! Involved with our new ministry. Even if you don't have this ministry specifically, you can step out and reach out on your own!

So, even though going over land and sea is a good thing, we need to do what John says and open our eyes to what is right in front of you. (that is also a movie line from Twister with Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt)

UPDATED: )After a comment I received from a trusted friend, I read over this and missed my own point!)My second thought is this: we need to be careful what traditions and congregational expectations we teach the people we reach out to that only drive people away because they feel like they cannot measure up to being a member. We should not teach all the 'thou shalt not's' or the 'thou shalt do's'! For example: "Thou shall not have tattoos." or "Thou shall not clap." or " Thou shall wear dressy clothes to church." or "You shall come to class." We should leave room for the Holy Spirit to lead!!! We should be more of a congregation that the community knows up by what we STAND FOR not for what we STAND AGAINST.
We stand for love, unity, friendship, acceptance, patience, and grace to all believers and leave room for the Holy Spirit's work in peoples lives. (I hope this clarifies my point.)

Love is shown in what we STAND FOR!

1 comment:

Vasca said...

Good thoughts...I think where we are is where we use the outreach tools each of us has. One can be useful and effective wherever. M and I have had wonderful opportunities in Holland, Germany, Greece, Ethiopia, Wisconsin...wherever we happened to be living. We prayed for God to use us and use us He did...thankful to Him for all of that. It helped us grow spiritually, maturing with each experience. Not everyone can carry His messages to foreign lands...fortunately for us, we had specific talents for that...or so it seems. The two of us were specifically called to China. Paul used his talents wherever he found himself; we should all try doing the same. Good works are going on everywhere...we just must keep our antennas up 24/7. Encounters take place sometimes in the most unexpected places as well as planned encounters. God is blessing efforts here as evidenced by so much interest in the area.

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