Thursday, January 30, 2014

Woes in Matthew (Part 2) Spray Some Round-Up in Your Heart

Matthew 23:14
Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You devour widows' houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Therefore you will be punished more severely. 
(Interestingly, vs 14 is not in my text. It is in the references.)

The Pharisees and teachers lived off the peoples' tithes and offerings. Their long prayers made them appear righteous and better. They wanted the people to strive to be like them. Their actions outwardly were good, but not their heart.  Basically, they are not who they portray. 

Hypocrite in the Greek means actor. The Pharisees and teachers were playing a part that they did not carry over into their real life. Sean Connery is not really a spy in real life. And Harrison Ford does not carry a whip nor does he have a Wookie friend in real life. Likewise, the Pharisees and teachers did not practice what they acted-out in public either. They taught about mercy, but would not extend it. Apparently, even to the point of allowing little old ladies to be foreclosed on.

Problem: A heart divided. "A man is a slave to whatever has mastered him," 2 Peter 2:19. Where does your heart go when you just allow it to mosey around unattended? Are you bent on positive or negative. Are you bent on building up or tearing down? Are you bent on praise or gossip? What masters you? The Pharisees and teachers kept going back to their own way when not in the presence of the public. What do you do in secret? Where does your mind go when idle? 

Reality: If we do not guide our heart and mind, it will be drawn like a magnet to the WRONG way! If we do not live intentionally loving and building up and showing grace and mercy, we will meander toward the path of hating, tearing down and condemnation. 

Everyday, we have a thousand choices. Choose wisely what you allow to take root in your heart and mind. What do you need to cut out and tear down and spray Round-Up on in your heart? 

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