Wednesday, December 25, 2013

I Believe in Santa

Originally Nicholas, the Greek was born 280 years after Christ, He became a bishop of Myra,a small town in modern Turkey. He was a staunch defender of Christianity when Bibles were being burned and priest were made to renounce Christ or be put to death. He became known as patron of children and magical gifts.

So, when I'm asked if I believe in Santa, which was morphed from St. Nicholas, I say Yes! We should all be more like St. Nick. We should be defenders of the Word. We should give to the needy; all the time not just at Christmas.

The spirit of Santa giving gifts is not a bad thing if we put the right importance and perspective on it. Give gifts in the same spirit Jesus gave you the best gift-- Salvation. But, don't just stop at the giving. Tell the good news as you give. "I give you this because you are important to me just like Jesus gave me a gift, too. I was important enough for Him to die for me. So are you."

Don't all your gift of Salvation to lay dormant and unopened! Open it. Relish it. Study it. Cherish it. Share it.

Do you believe in St. Nick/Santa?
Do you believe in Jesus?

How do you show it? Sadly, we show we believe in the spirit of Santa more than we SHOW we believe in Jesus.

Let's change that every day this year!

Blessing from Erin

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