Thursday, October 17, 2013

"In all good conscience"

Read Acts 21:27-3:1
Title in NIV: Paul is beaten by a mob, then arrested. Paul tells his conversion story. Paul announces his Roman citizenship and begins to speak to the Sanhedrin.

Have you ever noticed that people in the Bible are guilty first and have to prove their innocence? Why is it that when a mob is beating someone [Paul], they seize the one getting beat and put him in jail? They don't arresting the ones who stirred up the people or the ones rioting or the ones dragging Paul or the ones trying to kill Paul. When there is no love for Christ, wrong looks right; good looks bad; freedom in Christ looks like betrayal of Moses.

Paul was arrested and then asked who he was and what he had done. The mob was so violent and pressed up against the soldiers leading Paul away that Paul had to be carried. All the while the men were shouting.  There was so much shouting the soldiers could not hear. They assumed Paul was the Egyptian, Theudas, who started a revolt and led 4000 terrorist out into the dessert (Acts 5:36). It all came to nothing and Gamaliel, a teacher of the law said, "For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But, if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourself fighting against God."

Monday, my family went to see the movie Grace Unplugged. (Great Christian movie by the way) In one scene a character, Quinten, tells Grace she is fighting against God. Grace has to make a choice.

When the commander learns that Paul is a Jew, he gives him permission to speak. Paul tells his conversion story and they listen until he says this, "God told me to leave Jerusalem because y'all won't listen. God sent me to the Gentiles." (Texan 'y'all' was added).

Oh the crowd got nasty again and yelled, "Rid the earth of him!" They threw cloaks and dust. The commander ordered Paul to be flogged and questioned to find out why the people were shouting like this. When Paul said he was a Roman citizen, they men fled and the commander was alarmed that he put a Roman citizen n chains. He assembled the Sanhedrin and chief priest and Paul spoke to them.

He said, "My brothers, I have fulfilled my duty to God in all good conscience to this day."

Can you say that? Can you say that even in the midst of rejection, persecution, death, illness, addiction, fear, and all the other unpleasantness of life?

Til next week, blessings!!

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