Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Become All Things to All Men

Sorry I am a week late. Sometimes my paying writing job takes precedence. I also needed extra time to write this blog and God revealed several things to me this week. I thank those people who guided me and approved of this one. You are appreciated.
I would love to know YOUR examples and views. Even if they start out with, Erin, did you ever think about…. or Erin, there is evidence that... or Erin, I would rather not receive your blog any longer. Your comments are welcome and appreciated. I guess after almost three years of writing this blog, I would like it to be more interactive. If comments don’t work on this page, e-mail me…

Read Acts 21:15-26

Paul was warned several times not to go to Jerusalem, but he says he is ready to die for the Lord Jesus. He would rather die sharing the good news with people than stay alive and know he did not snatch them from the fire of hell. Can we say we are that committed? A Christian speaker I heard had a daughter that liked to help homeless people. While giving a homeless man some food and a blanket, (I think) a car crashed into them and she died. The point is she died being Jesus to a man in need. Her father said he would rather know that she died doing good deed than to know she lived and passed that man saying ‘he is not worth it.’He was so confident of heaven that worldly heartaches did not matter much. 

 James reported that thousands of Jews believed and were zealous for the law.  However, they hear that Paul teaches to turn away from Moses and live by his customs. They were having a problem with that. They thought Paul wanted to change all their customs and traditions and laws, too. They thought he wanted them become just like the Gentiles living among them. (The Gentiles did not follow all those laws. They did not come to know Christ that way.) In the Jews view, Paul could not be credible because he was not participating in the laws that they participated in that honor God’s law. These men had already told the Gentiles they did not have to be burdened with anything beyond 3 laws because it would make it more difficult to for them to come to Christ (Acts 15:19, 28). So, to become credible in the eyes of the Jews and so the Jews would listen to him, Paul joined in their purification rites and paid their expenses to get their heads shaved. People would see that he was living in obedience to the law.
In Acts 6, Stephen talked about changing the customs of Moses. They thought that was blasphemy…and he was stoned. Remember these Jews were zealous for God, too. They might have worshiped differently and had traditions that the Gentiles thought were worthless but in Luke 9:50 the concept is “Do not stop them. For whoever is not against us is for us.” Can you say that about Christians across the street with a different name on the building? Can you say that about Christians that worship in a cathedral? They are not against us.
Paul also said in 1 Corinthians 9:19, “Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To Jews I become like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I become like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I become like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but under Christ’s law), so to win those not having the law. To the weak, I become weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.”

Example #1 I know of some Christians who own a tattoo parlor. They are very involved in their church and seen as leaders. They reach people most of us reading this could not reach with the gospel. They make a large part of the community feel welcome. They help people feel accepted and not condemnation about their appearance. Good for them.
Example #2 When a couple comes to my house with kids or I go to their house, it is made clear that their kids did not play outside (or get messy) or watch Disney movies (or a list of PBS shows) or play with toy guns. So, when they come over, my kids did not do those things either and we hid the guns in the closet so there is not an issue. I want to be known for love and kindness so we accommodate them while they are at our house. And, that was okay with me. I want to be known as hospitable and gracious and not known for what I don’t allow in my home.
What is the up side, by the way, for being so staunch on issues that can be different for everyone? Now, do not murder, I understand, but the little stuff, I believe can be negotiated and people should be flexible. People who follow rules THEY have set up and expect everyone to follow them even in the other person’s home is seen as hard-nosed, unloving, not flexible and demanding. Friendships don’t last long that way.
Example #3 I visit my birth mother once or twice a year and have gone to church with her. She goes to a mixed men and women class on Sunday morning where a woman teaches. I do not agree with a woman teaching men in a class. I believe it usurps men’s authority. (Usurp- to seize or hold as in an office or place of power by force or without right. To exercise authority wrongly. 1 Timothy 2:12 BUT THIS IS ANOTHER BLOG TOPIC) I can tell you that my birth mother never knew I felt this way until I asked her if I could use this example on my blog. Good! I am being loving and gracious and kind even if I do not agree.

Paul was acting according to the culture and the authorities that were set up in that place. Now, I don’t believe Paul would have gone along with sacrificing babies. Paul is giving us an example of how to treat people that you don’t have the same beliefs with, but they are not Salvation issues. He is telling us not to force our beliefs on them. He is telling us that if it is glorifying God, even though you don’t do it, it will be okay. Even Matthew says, “Whoever is not against us is for us.” Everyone in that church was very zealous for God. The Jews in Acts were zealous for God and if Paul would have come in there and started saying they didn't have to do this or that, they would not have listened to him for very long and possible stoned him like Stephen. What good would that have done? What would have been the up side of me going in their church and saying I don’t agree with this woman teaching?

I also believe that when we get to heaven people will get debriefed. We will be told all the things we have wrong in our brains. How arrogant we are if we don’t think we will need the debriefing room or if we think we can debrief someone else we see in heaven because they went to the wrong church or something. Let us not be debriefed about our arrogance.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not talking about going along with murder, stealing, adultery or even gossip. I am speaking of Disney movies, organic vs. not organic, guns vs. no guns, TV vs. no TV, NIV vs. King James, dresses vs. pants, class vs. no class, women speaker vs. not a women speaker. You get the point…I pray.

            I will end with the speech paraphrased from the movie Courageous. Most will hear this and believe it. Some will hear this and scoff. Some will think this is a great idea, but never do a thing to promote this concept. Some will wholeheartedly put this concept to work in their own lives. Which are you?

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