Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Positive Passage For Reflection

Read Acts 18:24-28
Title in NIV: Apollos ministers in Ephesus.

A man came from Alexandria came to Ephesus. He spoke with fervor about the scriptures that he had been taught. However, he only knew the baptism of John. He spoke boldly about his knowledge of Jesus. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him over to their house and explained the way of the Lord more adequately. Apollos then went to Achaia where he was a great help to those who by grace had believed. He vigorously refuted the Jews in public debate, proving from Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ.

Now, what if Apollos would have took offense at Priscilla and Aquila for correcting him and adding to his knowledge? He would not have been spreading the whole Truth and the best part. I also think we should give consideration to how Priscilla and Aquila approached Apollos. They did not cause a scene and try to talk to him in front of all the people. They did it privately. I’m sure Apollos was more receptive to someone who was respecting him also.

Words that jumped out at me: 
*learned man (woman): are you?
*fervor: do you speak of Christ with it?
*bold: are you bold about your belief in Christ?
*encouraged: do you do it?
*Apollos was adequate, but became more adequate: do you continue in your knowledge of Jesus?
*great help: are you?
*vigorously refuted: do you get passionate and refute those who malign the Truth?
*proved Jesus with his words: do you?

I think this would be a good passage to read every day to give you boldness in speech, passion in your beliefs, fervor in sharing, encouragement for others, growth in knowledge and confidence in word and deed when proving Jesus to the lost.

Blessings to you all! 

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