Thursday, August 1, 2013

Are You 'Safe'? I Hope Not!

Read Acts 18:12-23
Title in NIV: Gallio, the proconsul, releases Paul.

Paul was brought before the court. What struck me was this statement: "This man," they charged, "is persuading people to worship God in ways contrary to the law." 

Think about that for a moment. Paul was NOW teaching that love for one another was more acceptable than shunning or throwing the first rock. For example, Jesus touched lepers, ate with tax collectors (sinners) and talked to Samaritans.(That stuff was a crime under the law.) Paul was teaching that having the inside clean was more important than having the white washed outsides. For example, the disciples did not wash before a meal and people thought that was awful. Paul taught that forgiveness was superior to demanding your rights and being cheated was better than bringing up issues before the court. Paul was teaching that a man could come to God and not have to use the priest as a go-between. He taught that Jesus was the One who should be the mediator for them, not an earthly priest who is the only one permitted in the Holy of Holy's. Now, each man was accountable himself. I'm sure a lot of priest thought they were out of business and wanted to protect their position.

But, do you see? Paul was preaching of a better way, a new covenant, a new heart, a new spirit. It is interesting to think that love and forgiveness and turning the other cheek was 'contrary to the law' that they knew. Paul speaks that grace trumps law; mercy trumps justice and love covers over a multitude of sins. That was hard for them to grasp when they were trying to check off their list for the day.

Change is really hard for a lot of people. Learning to trust Jesus and live for him in every way is better than checking off the 'law list'. Obedience out of love is so rewarding. Obedience out of  'I have to' is no reward at all.

Paul was not 'safe'. He put it all out there no matter if it got him landed in jail. I remember in College Station one Sunday we heard of the missionaries we supported getting put in jail in China. Of course, we prayed for them to be released. The next Sunday, they sent us a message that said DO NOT pray that we are released!!! We are touching so many lives here in prison. Pray for God's Word to be spread no matter where we are!

Compare yourself to God's Word, not others! Apply God's Word: Romans 13:9b 'All the commandments are summed up in this one rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.' Good deeds oozing out of your heart is better than checking them off your mental box.

(more on 'safe' in What I've Learned So Far sidebar) If you are 'safe' you are probably also 'at risk'!


Vasca said...

Change comes much of the time with bloodshed. This is a wise post; I totally agree. All of us need to examine our hearts and stand up for what we know is God's way! Oh my, this nation needs to look to our Father and pay attention. Thanks for your sincerity! Hugs!

Erin E. McEndree said...

Thank You Vasca! There is always a struggle with flesh and spirit! I can't wait for the peace to come!!

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