Saturday, May 25, 2013

Yoke Part 2

Read Acts 15:22-35
Title in NIV: Decision of the Jerusalem council.

The Letter:
To the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia,
             Some have come to you with out our authority and troubled you with their teaching. We are sending Paul and Barnabas, Judas and Silas to confirm what we are writing. It seems good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the requirements we talked about last week: Abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality.

That was short and sweet and to the point. Paul stressed not putting a yoke on the Gentiles (circumcision) that would make it difficult for them to turn to God.

A yoke is something that binds, unites or connects (like matrimony); to joins together or link; to enslave, pair together. Sometimes the yoke is forced like servitude. Sometimes the yoke is a choice like addiction.

What are some customs or traditions that make turning to God more difficult or uncomfortable that we have today? I asked for opinions this week and I received some interesting answers. Thanks to all who responded.

I came up with two categories: yokes we may impose on others and yokes we choose to enslave ourselves with.

Here is the list I received that we may impose (knowingly or unknowingly) on others:
1)      Wanting others to express worship in church the same way you do (raising hands, clapping, no emotion etc.)
2)       Believing others should read the same version of the Bible you do
3)      Believing others should dress at least as good as you do not taking into account that their holy jeans may BE their best
4)      Wanting all the songs you like that does not take into account old or new songs for the other generations
5)      Being a black and white (law) follower. Making everything doctrinal does not take into account grace (Read Romans 14 and 15)
6)      Wanting others to share in the same political opinions you do. The question was asked, “Do I really need to be a Republican to worship here?” (Thanks, S.M.) He also pointed out that in other parts of the country, the opposite party is dominant
7)      Wanting others to adopt your personal opinions on subjects like musical instruments, what is worship vs. entertainment, technology used in service, women’s roles, tattoos, drinking alcohol, children in worship
8)      Treating others judgmentally because in our mind they are not following the Truth (which is only the truth you have created with all your rules in your mind)
9)      The concept of leadership: is it authority or servitude?
10)   We also tell people “You have to be baptized, now,” instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to work in their life. That makes people very uncomfortable when they are not ready. It makes them feel guilty, too and that makes it very difficult for people to turn to God. Pressure instead of Holy Spirit is a yoke.
11)  Trying to enforce our seating chart makes people feel uncomfortable, too.
12)   Writing in your bible.
13)   We make people feel unwanted and unacceptable when they are different than us. Ex. Financially, education, politically…  We put off an attitude that only the ‘well’ can come to church and forget that our church needs to be full of lost, sick, hurt, depressed, broke, …..but oh! Our church IS full of those people! We just wear our mask every Sunday! We make it uncomfortable for those who don’t have masks and express a need

I also received a list from someone that made me think in broader terms (Thanks S.B.) This is a list of things we may bind to ourselves by choice thus enslaving ourselves to it. These yokes are:
       1) technology- cell phones, computers, video games, social media
       2) alcohol, drugs, cigarettes etc.
       3) pornography, sexual perversion
       4) food
       5) money, success, self-recognition
       6) any addiction that we put before God

These are interesting thoughts to ponder and examine in yourself and in your church.

Blessings to all!!

1 comment:

Vasca said...

Hey, I got you back in my balky computer...whew. You are such a good writer; and most inspirational. Love Your words...from His ways.

So glad you found me!  Steeped In Purpose has moved to a better location to serve you! You can still find great...