Thursday, March 21, 2013

Action Shows Faith

What a treat! I am sitting in Barns & Noble drinking coffee and updating my blog. Read why I am here in Personal Tid Bits.

Read Acts 11:27-30
Title in NIV: Relief is sent to Judean Christians.

            The Spirit is leading people to act and some to prophesy. Famines and hard times are on being predicted. No where in the Bible does it say that after you hear the good news and give your life to Jesus, all will be rosey. Trials still need to determine if your faith is genuine, fake or nonexistent. 1 Peter 1:7 says “Now for a little while you may have to suffer grief final kinds of trials. These have to come so that your faith… may be proved genuine.” I always think of this verse when I am going through trials and it makes me evaluate my reaction to situations.

            I also think about John 9:3. A man is blind and Jesus’ disciples asked who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind. “Neither,” Jesus said. “This happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” If you look at trials in that way, so the power of God can be displayed, you will be strengthen and comforted beyond belief.

            Genuine faith results in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Fake and nonexistent faith does not seek the praise of Jesus in trials. It has a more selfish and “why me?” attitude.

            God’s power can be seen in all things and in all situations to increase your strength and wisdom. I read some where that coincidences are situations where God can wink at you and let you know he is answering your prayers. If you are focused on heaven, you can recognize those winks. If you are focused inward, you will miss the blessings of trials.

            Trials come in all kinds of ways. Keep your eyes open so that you can use your abilities to help someone in need like the disciples did for the Judean Christians. Action speaks volumes about your faith (or lack of it).

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