Friday, December 7, 2012

Second Chances (and third and fourth...)

It is nice to be back. We are as busy as ever. Today I am taking a break to go shopping with the girls in my family. I may not get my list accomplished, but we will have fun!! I want to encourage you to live with intention. Live conscious of every situation, every task, every opportunity. Intend to put God in all your decisions. Live conscious of the fact that God is right there when you do the laundry and other mundane stuff. I have been leaning on God so much lately and this comes to mind for me, "Not with my strength, but your, Lord!!" Praise God in everything! It is hard, but train your brain to think of the Lord in every situation. Blessings!!

Read Acts 7:54-8:3
Title in NIV: Jewish leaders stone Stephen.

It took three post to relay all Stephen told the Sanhedrin about the history leading up to the murder and betrayal of Jesus. The Jewish leaders did not like hearing about that history, esp. the last part. I wonder if they really gnashed their teeth at Stephen or if that is a figure of speech. Today, we give thumbs up for encouragement and I've seen other hand gestures when people don't like something. But, Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit. I know he was not worried about what he would say. Matthew 10:19 says, " not worry about what to say or how to say it...for at that time, it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you."

He looked up at heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Stephen told them he saw this. Instead of trying to see it themselves, they yelled at the top of their voice and rushed at him. They dragged him out of the city and stoned him.

Witnessed layed their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul. Did they do that to appeal to Saul to stop the stoning? Saul stood there and approved his death. Stephen said, "Lord Jesus receive my spirit. Do not hold this sin against them." Then he died. (This is Saul who will soon be renamed Paul!)

Thought: Do you cover your ears, figuratively, when you don't like what the Holy Spirit is saying to you? Sometimes I don't listen when I hear, "Change your attitude," or "Here is an opportunity," or "Share Jesus with this person right now."

Do you ever allow people to murder someone's character right in front of you because you won't speak up and defend them? Ouch!! I did that recently. It haunts me now. I kept thinking, "She does not know this person like I do." But, I said nothing. (Lord forgive me!!)

Do we throw stones with our tongue.

Did Saul get another chance? Absolutely and thank the Lord!! Thank you Lord for second chances and forgiveness.

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