Friday, December 21, 2012

I'm Still Here...Are You? Give a Gift of Life

I'm going out on a limb here to say "I'll be here all day! Thanks for joining me." My husband and I saw the funniest commercial. It ended with, "We'll see you on the 22nd." We cracked up!!

Sorry I have been inconsistent. I am working on that. I guess I could us the excuse that this time of the year is really busy. I guess I could say after I put the kids to bed, I am exhausted and don't make the time to type. I could say that laundry and Christmas decorating take presidence over my blog.  I could say my paying job, writing for the magazine, comes before writing my blog. All these things are true and I'm sure you can relate to the business of life. I do enjoy this time of the year so much and can't believe it will be over so soon! Blessings to you and your family. Love your kids, hold them tightly, pray over them tonightly...and every day. Tell you parents you love them and thank God for all the blessings you have. Thanks for reading the words that come from my heart. I appreciate you!

Read Acts 8:4-25
Title in NIV: Philip witnesses in Samaria. Simon the sorcerer is baptized.

After Stephen was stoned, a great persecution broke out and the believers were scattered. They preached the Word every where they went. I believe this is a tactic God still uses today to spread his word. Anyone ever leave your church? Have you? I think God has places and things for some of us to do that may involve going a different way. I try to never second guess what God is doing in someones life even if they are scattered some where else. God will use and grow them and me.

Philip went to Samaria and proclaimed Christ and did miracles. Evil spirits came out of many with shrieks. People were healed and there was great joy.

A man named Simon who practiced sorcery, believed Philip and was baptized. Simon was astonished and amazed at the miracles. I guess they were so much better than what he could do with evil.

Peter and John came for a visit when they heard about Samaria's belief. They prayed that the Holy Spirit would come upon them because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon them. I found several instances where people got baptized as repentance but the Spirit did not come upon them (Acts 19:2). Some had gotten baptized into the name of the one who baptized them (1Cor 1:10-17).  Peter and John layed their hands on the people and the Holy Spirit came upon them.

When Simon saw this, he offered them money so he could have the ability to lay hands on people. They rebuked him and said you cannot buy the gift of God with money.  During this season, we accept gifts from people and we don't PAY them. We need also to accept the gift Jesus Christ gave to us and in return, scatter His Word for the glory of God. The gift is ours for the accepting, no payment needed. But after we accept it, we are required to share it and spread it and "snatch others from the fire and save them" Jude 23.

I'm pretty sure if someone were in a burning building, they would not mind if we snatched them out the door with us. I'm pretty sure someone would not mind us snatching them out of traffic if a car was speeding toward them. Why do we get scared of people when it comes to snatching them from evil?

This year, resolve to be bold and gather someone up and take them on the ride to Heaven with you!!

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