Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Welcome Back and History Lesson Part 3

I need to start this blog by saying thank you to so many people for your prayers and comfort while we were going through life's end with Darryl's dad, Mack. (Read sidebar: Evidence of God in My Life for more info on Mack)  I missed writing and being in the Word so much and part of me feels like I have let you down. I plan to be back in this chair more often while sharing with you my heart and what the Lord is doing in my life.  My goal is to see God working in every part of my life and to gain wisdom from scripture about how to live my daily life. Even when I go to the grocery store, I can apply the Word to something I see or someone I meet. Even looking at a bumper sticker, even washing dishes. In all situations, the Word is comforting and alive. And, the working of the Word in my life does not look the same as the working of the Word in your life. You may learn something and I may learn something totally different while looking at the same situation. We are at different places with God on this journey of life. My passion for you is that YOU LEARN SOMETHING to glorify Him in EVERY situation. OH! We have learned so many things the past two or three months. I've learned I am not as good at some things as I need to be, but the great thing is that I will get another chance to try again. I have also been reminded how important family is!

Thank You for following! Blessings to you and all your family during this season of Thankfulness, Family and Jesus.

Now, back to my blog!!
(Don't forget to read the side bars!)

Read Acts 7:23-53
This lesson is about: 40 years to gain knowledge about the Israelites, 40 years to prepare and gain wisdom in the dessert, and 40 years to do what the Lord said in the dessert.

Remember this is all Stephen preaching to the Sanhedrin.

Stephen explained: Moses was 40 when he visited his fellow Israelites. (He had been educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians) He saw one of them being mistreated by an Egyptian. He came to the man's defence and wound up killing the Egyptian. Moses thought his own people would recognize that God was using him to rescue them, but they didn't. Moses fled to Midian. He married and had two sons.

After 40 more years had passed (Moses was a shepherd for his father-in-law) Moses sitting in the dessert and thinking a lot I expect, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a burning bush. The Lord told him to go back to Egypt and set my people free. He led them out of Egypt and did wonders and miracles in Egypt. He also did wonders and miracles for 40 years in the dessert.

Stephen also explained that the people did not obey God while in the dessert and made a golden calf.  God was angry and turned away and gave them over to their worship.

Stephen said that Moses was on a mountain and received words from an angel to pass to the people. He prophesied about Jesus.

Stephen explained that it was Moses who built the tabernacle exactly like God wanted. It remained in the land until the time of David. David wanted to build a permanent dwelling but was told "The Most High does not live in houses built by man."

Stephen told the men of the Sanhedrin that they 'always resist the Holy Spirit.' Ouch! Also, Stephen reminded the Sanhedrin that they always persecute prophets. Prophets predicted Jesus' coming. Stephen told them they killed those who predict the coming of the Righteous One. And, that they murdered Jesus. Stephen also pointed out that they do not follow the written law. (Trouble is coming for Stephen)

Several phrases strike me: God gave them over to their worship;  Moses thought his own people would recognize that God was using him to rescue them.

Have you gotten stuck in tradition? Do you do things in worship that you really don't even know why you do them anymore. Maybe that is the way it has always been done and you are on auto pilot. Hmmmmmm...Has God given you over to your type of worship because you refuse to change? We are called to change in the Bible over and over and become new and put off old and transform. That is our goal in life. The runner training for the goal changes his body as he trains. He changes his eating habits while he trains. He changes his sleeping habits while he trains; like Olympians. Are you in a rut? Do you need to embrace a little transformation in your life for the glory of God? I think we all do.

This is the season to think about others. Do something you have never done before to help someone else.


Anonymous said...

My dear sweet Erin you do get a time to grieve and take a break from your responsibilities. It helps your mind to refocus and concentrate on your passion of writing and teaching Gods word.
Your spirit is strong and your passion for God word in your life shows through your sweet spirit.J

Vasca said...

Oh Erin, I've missed you sweetheart but I know you've been totally wrapped in love w/your family. So sad about the loss of such a dear one; prayers have been lifted in behalf of the family.

So thankful for your wonderful spirit, the love you lay on all of us; I appreciate you! Thanks for being natural...mmm! Nice!

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