Thursday, October 18, 2012

Don't Get Discouraged

Read Acts 7:1-8
Title in NIV: Stephen preaches to the Sanhedrin.

Stephen did good things but was still accused of bad things. Does this happen to you sometimes? It does to me. People just don’t know my motives. Don’t get discouraged when people don’t ‘get’ you or understand you. This concept hits home to me because I am a writer. My devos come from my heart to help people keep in step with the Spirit and mature to the point of action when the opportunities arise. Also, making opportunities is a part of being mature. Sometimes my thoughts step on toes or hurt feelings, but they are designed to help people grow. I write from my heart and through the Spirit and I allow the Spirit to guide my fingers. I am human, however. I cannot make everyone have a rosy, happy feeling. Much like Stephen, we know his motives were for the Lord, but the world did not understand.

Verse 10 is interesting. They got others to say lies about Stephen- secretly. Challenge/test: If you are doing something in secret (except for birthdays and Christmas or anniversaries) it is most likely wrong. If you cannot share what you are sharing with the person you are ‘sharing’ about, it’s probably wrong. How often have you read an anonymous “Letter to the Editor” complaining? Secret is not good and cowardice. How often has someone had an issue with you but went above your head instead of talking directly to you? Complaining in secret is not good every time. It only stirs up people.

They stirred up people. Stephen was seized and false witnesses were brought against him.

And all the people looking at Stephen as he was being accused saw the face of an angel.

Stephen preached this message: God led Abraham here and promised this land to him and his decedents. However, they would be carried off into bondage for 400 years for disobedience. The nation who carries them off, God will judge. After that, they will come out of bondage and serve Me in this place. Then the Lord gave them the covenant of circumcision.

Circumcision was established by God as an outward, physical sign to signify God’s relationship with Israel.  Romans 4:4-12 and Galatians 5:1-12 explain why circumcision is no longer necessary to have a relationship with God. However, Colossians 2:11-12 links circumcision with baptism. Basically one outward act of devotion is replaced with another.  It is described now as a circumcision of the heart.

In the old testament, babies were circumcised on the eighth day by the will of their father. They had no choice and fathers were responsible for the whole family. (Just look at Korah’s bad decision- his whole family was swallowed up by the earth for Dad’s bad choice in Numbers 16.) Baptism is a choice for each person when you come to know God and learn what his will is for your life.

The continuation of this story will follow next week. Chapter 7 is long. Blessings!!

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