Thursday, October 11, 2012

Be Bold and Grow

Read Acts 6:1-7
Title in NIV: Seven men are selected to administer care for widows.

The first sentence says the disciples were increasing. A disciple is someone who follows and learns from someone else. Sadly, people are disciples of all kinds of false truths. We have to be careful that we only follow Jesus and his truths. (I wonder how those people became disciples of David Koresh-and others- to the point of death.) It made me think about some questions:  1) How am I encouraging people to be disciples of Christ? 2) How am I training and teaching people to speak about Jesus?

There was a problem, however. We all have them. What matters is how we handle the problems.

The disciples knew their purpose. (Do you know yours?) They intentionally did not take on more work that would interfere with that purpose---even when the work was a good work and needed to be done. (I need to apply that concept to my life.) Because they knew they should be praying and teaching the Word, they delegated the work to those who needed work to do.

They solved the problem. They chose men full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom. They put hands on them and prayed for them. The result: the Word spread, disciples increased, priest became obedient to the faith.

Promise: Matthew 10:8  Freely you have received, freely give. Jesus freely gave his live for us and we should give to others in need. Salvation is a gift. Have you opened yours?

Perspective: Way I see it…. When you know your purpose from God and you don’t take on things (even good things) that get in the way of your purpose, the Word will spread.

Apply: Find your purpose. It might be your job; glorify God with it. It might be your talent; glorify God wit it. It might be a homemaker; glorify God while you wash the dishes and do the laundry.

May I pray for you?
Dear Lord, direct the eyes who are reading this to gain knowledge and wisdom from your Word everyday. Make them have a desire for your Word above all other things. The laundry can wait, the kitchen can stay dirty for a little while longer. Help transfer the thoughts that penetrate their mind into words for those who need to hear from you the most: the sacker at the grocery store, the man with a cardboard sign, a lady in despair, a neighbor, a stranger. Praying for someone is awesome; actually hearing words of comfort and hope come from someone’s lips, sooths the heart. Help us be bold today. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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