Friday, August 17, 2012


Sorry I'm a day late!

Read Acts 3:11-26
Title in NIV: Peter uses this opportunity to preach about Jesus.

These are some statements that jumped out at me. They deal with turning. Turning your mind to believe in miracles. Turning your life into what Jesus wrote it to be. Turning your weak faith into strong faith. Turning every moment into opportunity. Turning your heart to follow God…and not turning back. Turning your mind back to the old scriptures to understand the new. Enjoy!

1) Why do miracles surprise you (vs. 12)? I like the concept by Beth Moore that states “If you believe little, you will see little; if you believe much, you will see much.” Some people don’t believe in miracles today. They think they only occurred in the Bible times. However, have you ever seen a baby being born…miracle. It was knit together in the mother’s womb. How could you practice faith in heaven if no one ever died? Have you ever seen a thunder storm with lightning and tornados…miracle (Matthew 8:26). Has anyone ever forgiven you…miracle. Jesus was accused, spit upon, flogged, slapped, pierced, hung on a cross for 3 hours…all to forgive the sins past, present and future…miracle. You can see miracles everyday if you look.

2) You killed the author of life (vs.15). Of course I like this statement because I write. Jesus is my author. He created my character with compelling qualities like faith, boldness, confidence and 1000 other things. Some characteristics are to be developed and some are to be eradicated.  He made compelling plots in my life with twists and turns, climaxes and valleys. He causes me to learn from my mistakes and hopefully not have to be taught again. He gave me supporting characters to help me along the way and keep me on track and teach me hard lessons, too. He holds my story together to the very end.

3) By faith in Jesus Christ, a man is made strong (vs. 16). A man is made strong through trials. You can’t grow when there is no pressure. You can’t practice forgiveness when there is nothing to forgive. You can’t practice peace when there is no chaos. You can’t practice love when everyone is lovable- growth is loving the unlovable!

4) Opportunity: Seize it, take advantage of it, don’t let it get by you (Gal 6:10; Eph 5:16). I believe it only takes one second to decide if you are going to accept the opportunity God gives or deny it.

5)  Verse 19: Repent…turn to God…sins wiped away…refreshing will come. If done in this order and a real transformation happens to your heart, a refreshing, peace will be lavished on you (Eph 1:7-8). I believe you can seek God but still hold on to the hurt etc.  and never lay it down at Jesus feet. In not doing so, a peace will never fully come. Question? Do we ever fully lay all our burdens down??

6) Peter uses Old Testament scripture to jog their memories about what is happening. Dt. 18:15,18,19; Gen. 22:18, 26:4.

The last sentence says that Jesus was sent to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways. There is the concept of turning again! Sad that they did not!


Margo Dill said...

This is not about your post so much, but I absolutely love the cover photo you first see when you are brought to your blog. It is beautiful. Your message is also beautiful!

Erin E. McEndree said...

Thanks, Margo. I am also enjoying reading the interviews you post. Blessings!

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