Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Goal of Gossip...Do You Have One?

I'll post on Friday of next week, not Thursday. I'll be at camp with my daughter.
Read Acts 4:23-32
Title in NIV: The disciples unite in prayer.

            When Peter and John were released they reported to their people what was said by the Sanhedrin. When I first read this I thought about what that meeting might have been like and I admit I went to the negative. I thought they might have said, “They did this…”, and “They did that…”, “They said this…”, and “They said that…”, and “Can you believe they did…” and “How dare they…”  But I kept reading and found some major differences from a gossip session and realized the main reason why they reported to the people.
            I am super conscientious about gossip! I think gossip serves no purpose. Most people do not have a goal in mind when they gossip. Most people don’t say, “Let’s pray about the information we just learned,” when they gossip. AND, most people just want to feel like others are on their side when they gossip. When people gossip they are not thinking about going to the person they are talking about to pray with them to have courage to overcome the situation. I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say, “I’m not comfortable talking about this person,” or “We need to change the subject.”
            The people Peter and John reported to ALL prayed together after the info was presented. They acknowledged the vain plots of men to stand against the Lord. They knew the more people that could fight evil the better. The asked the Lord for boldness to speak the Word.  They asked the Lord to stretch out his hand and heal and perform miracles through them in the name of Jesus.
            Their report had a purpose: to overcome evil and to spread Jesus Christ. Their goal was to gain boldness from the Holy Spirit and spread the Word of the Lord. They did want people on their side…the Lord’s side!
            So, the next time you gossip ask yourself if you are trying to overcome evil with the information you are spreading. Ask yourself what your goal is in the conversation. Are you willing to let the Holy Spirit guide your discussions and not self?
            God answered their prayers! He shook the place, filled them with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the word of God boldly! All the believers were one in heart and mind.

Challenge: Be willing to GO and pray with everyone you talk ABOUT. If you can’t do that, maybe you should not be speaking about them. If you talk about others be willing to pray for them, too (privately and with the person you are speaking to)!

1 comment:

Vasca said...

Very good post, Erin. Gossip is dangerous...the results of passing gossip on...and on...etc. are poisonous! I have the opportunity to stop 'the hot item' in its tracks...takes a little courage but well worth the risk. God give me all I need to stay on track...prayerfully I'll follow through. Thanks!

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