Thursday, July 12, 2012

How Should You Treat the Holy Spirit?

Thank you to my faithful readers who wondered where I was last week. Sometimes I have to focus on my paying writing job. I had 3 articles due. I'm back!

I would love to have your thoughts and start a conversation. Questions are at the end of this post.

Read Acts 2:1-13
Title in NIV: Filling of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

I admit I had to do some homework to be able to explain Pentecost. It is explained in Lev. 23:15, Num. 28:26, and Dt. 16:9. However, I wanted to know more. Initially, I learned it was a Jewish Holiday also called Feast of Weeks. It was seven weeks after the sickle touched the harvest to give the Lord a Freewill offering in proportion to the blessings the Lord has given you. (Is that why so many people from all nations were there?). I also learned that it was to celebrate the giving of the law on Mt. Sinai 50 days after the Exodus. There was an estimated 70 languages spoke at Pentecost, 108 other people in the upper room. (Read: What I have learned This Far below)

I will be making a couple of points about the Holy Spirit. First, the Holy Spirit is the spirit of God. God's spirit is one. I thought vs. 3 was interesting when it said it separated and came to rest on each of them.  All the men were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them.  Even though we are different people who fill up the earth, we have inside us (if we have accepted Jesus Christ) one essence, one energy, one supernatural, that connects us all air. Air is one element, but when in your lungs, it is all your, but when you exhale, it is joined back with the whole. (Hope that is as clear as Mudd.)

The Father, the Son and the Spirit are One and we can fill ourselves with them daily if we pour His Words into our minds daily and intentionally walk by the Spirit (Gal .5:25). When we have the Spirit, we can feel the oneness with others if they are in the Spirit. The concept of being one in the Spirit, with each other, is hard to understand and easy to forget. Practice seeing others as part of God and the Son just like you are.

Next, since we are all connected, we should think of others first. We should respectful others. We should not assert our rights if they impose on others...let others have their way. Being selfless is hard work, but it is what our lives should look like. Ever been to a funeral where the preacher talked about all the possessions the deceased had, all the money they attained, all the property they had etc.? NO! At funerals, faith, generosity, humbleness, and selflessness are talked about. How will you be remembered? The bumper sticker, "The one with the most toys at the end, wins" is a lie. This is a much truer statement (paraphrased): "When I get to heaven, I want to be tired, worn out, with no possessions and skid up to the door sideways and say, 'Wow! What a ride.'" Leaving the world with nothing is more noble that leaving with a lot.

Finally, the disciples did not keep the Spirit to themselves. They immediately started sharing Jesus before they even left that place. People from every nation were there and they all heard the Message spoken to them in their language.

Share Jesus with others! I would love to know how you do that. As for me 1) I try to give God the glory for situations that are good. 2) I tell of my reliance on God when situations are tough and believe He will get me through. 3) I try to always be positive. 4) I try to redirect a conversation that is filled with gossip. These things have to be intentional. I often pray to DO these things BEFORE situations and allow the Spirit to lead me.

Questions for you... What other examples can you give that shows you live by faith Jesus and are led by the Holy Spirit?

In what other ways does the Holy Spirit manifest itself besides tongues of fire? I can think of 3. I'll tell you mine next week!

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