Thursday, June 21, 2012

Read Acts 1:12-14
Title in NIV: Prayer meeting in upstairs room.

This week will be short. I am leaving with my family for a short vacation. Actually, I am sitting in San Antonio. We just ate Mexican food on the Riverwalk. The kids rode in their first taxi.

I guess what I like about this passage is the example of how the people who believed in Jesus met constantly! “They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.” Do you meet constantly with other believers that can build you up and encourage you? Do you meet constantly in prayer with God? Do you study the Bible constantly? Do you look for people to help constantly? What do you constantly do that has nothing to do with God?

I am reminded of the verse: “where two or three are gathered in his name, there I am also.” Matthew 18:20

Check out what you constantly do and see if you need to alter the task or (if it is laundry), thank God for the ability to do/have it.


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