Thursday, June 7, 2012

Introduction to Acts

            I think I will tackle Acts. This book, written by Luke, is about the deeds (acts) the apostles were directed to do by the Holy Spirit of God. This really appeals to me because I desire, I strive to allow the Holy Spirit to direct my life everyday. What I find interesting, is that the Holy Spirit leads people in different ways. I have to be aware that the Holy Spirit in one person’s life looks different than in my life. I also have to be aware of my attitude toward people who do things differently than I do.
            Acts continues where the 4 Gospels end. Acts shows the carrying out of the Great Commission Jesus directed his disciples to accomplish in Matthew 28:18-20. So, I will keep in mind as I write, what Jesus told his disciples, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
            The Holy Spirit comes to the disciples to aid them in sharing the story of Jesus and the Salvation he holds out. The Holy Spirit is available to all who believe in this message. The Holy Spirit guides, fills, sustains, convicts and comforts believers. One concept discussed in Acts is that it is impossible to live successful Christian lives apart from the Holy Spirit. But, I see it all the time. People don’t go where the HS guides. People are not filled with HS; they are filled with worldly vices. People don’t allow the HS to sustain them in troubles and they give up. People may be convicted to do something by the HS, but they strong-arm It’s power. People refuse to be comforted from death, past hurts or their sins.
             Another concept discussed in Acts is Christians obedient to God’s leading will have many opportunities to share Christ. In sharing Christ, growth will come in number, strength and understanding.
            I hope you will enjoy Acts. I pray I will become more reliant on the HS in my life. I pray I will learn more about how to live for Jesus and be more like him everyday. I love to write and in doing so, I pray I share the message the HS brings to me.

Blessings to you and enjoy!
Erin McEndree

In Quotable Quotes Rick Warren discussed the Holy Spirit, too. Check it out.

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