Thursday, May 24, 2012

Read Colossians 4:2-6
Title in NIV: Paul's appeal for prayer and witnessing.

Paul encourages the church in Colosse to be devoted to prayer. I'll just say, the times in my life when I was the most wounded were the times in my relationship with God I grew the closest.  For example, I remember the evening I received the long letter from my cousin telling why she did not need a Savior and for all of us, family, to stop trying to talk to her about Jesus. I never cried more, prayed more, studied more, fasted,  searched scripture more to know how to respond, in those days following the letter. And in the that time of sorrow, I became closer to God than in any good time in my life. We are not drawn to lean on God in the good times, but it is in the bad times we reach out, reach up, open our hearts, give things to the Lord, give up control and realize we cannot do anything without Him. Remember to thank God for the struggles in your life...they are making you closer to God.

Also, be watchful that Satan does not get a foothold into your life when it is in turmoil. Turn to the right things like forgiveness and mercy. Watch out for anger, bitterness and unforgiveness.  Eph 6:11; 2Cor 2:11. Satan uses our inability to forgive against us.

Let your conversation be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so you may know how to answer everyone. Salt. What does it do? 1) Salt enhances flavor: enhance the flavor of someones life by sprinkling salt on them today.
2) Salt heals: heal wounds with the Word by pouring salt on them.
3) Salt stings: it may sting but the outcome is worth the pain in most cases.
4) Salt preserves: share Jesus! You might just be preserving a life from decay.

Be salt!! But not too much or it will be unfit to be used. There is a delicate balance. Find it, but don't let your salt loose its saltiness.
Blessings to you all that you will forgive, share and pray!!

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